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need someone to talk to, don't feel comfortable posting

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I'm hoping there's someone here I can talk to about what I'm going through with a friend of mine who I think I'm in love with, and maybe give me some advice. At the very least, it would make me feel really good to get this off my chest because I haven't been able to tell anyone.


I have always considered myself to be straight, but I have recently admitted to myself I am deeply in love with a male friend of mine. While I would presume he was straight, he doesn't date and there are a lot of things that make me wonder. We are really close but it's complicated.


Is there anyone who's been through something similar who I can PM? Even better would be someone who has started a relationship with their crush.


Thanks in advance.

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I'm in the same situation(well, almost..). I haven't done anything about it yet, though I'm planning to next time I have the chance. I'm having a tough time with this whole accepting that I'm not straight thing as well. Feel free to PM me. Hell, I could use someone to talk to about this sh*t as well.

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