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To be or not to be...Friends

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Well I called this new girl at around noon today. She didnt answer to I just left a message saying that is she wasnt busy tonight if she wanted to grab a drink or dinner. Still no answer. Is this common for someone to give you their number and then not answer when you call? Do I call again if she doesnt call back or just let it be and forget about her?

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Well I called this new girl at around noon today. She didnt answer to I just left a message saying that is she wasnt busy tonight if she wanted to grab a drink or dinner. Still no answer. Is this common for someone to give you their number and then not answer when you call? Do I call again if she doesnt call back or just let it be and forget about her?


Yes its normal... dont worry! I had a girl flake on me on Saturday night, I didnt really care anyway as I aint over my ex by any means. I still went out and guess who text me tonight?


I think you should just behave like you dont really care whether you go out with her not. Just carry on as if you never met her and sooner or later she'll more than likely call you.


Well the truth is she didnt actually flake, I simply couldnt be bothered going out with her and her sister (I still couldnt be bothered)! So didnt really put much effort into it. But anyway she still text me tonight...


...the irony is I had a chat with my ex yesterday evening (she called) and all I can say is it was actually the most amazing conversation I have had with her in a long LONG time!


Is this common for someone to give you their number and then not answer


haha... it's funny man, sometimes they give wrong numbers, numbers which dont exist! their ex's numbers - thats funny! sometimes their own numbers and just dont answer... generally though they give their correct numbers and answer or call back.


Just be carefull... if she makes plans to meet then makes some lame excuse a few days later dont waste yer energy, she's a "head melter"! Dont date unless you feel up to it, makes ya feel worse!


Life is weird. But like everyone else I think its best to simply try and forget the ex and get on with your own life. I am off to Brighton (to UK from Ireland) tomorrow for a long weekend... it will be good craic!

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Ive PMd you my number Inlove hope you get it so we can meet up maybe!


Anyhow Nelson...this is just a tip...next time you get a phone number dont text them straight away like you did! Leave it at least a day or two. I know I know but its like a dance at the beginning.


Also its best just to ask when they are free to meet up as opposed to what you doing tonite. Of course if they turn round and say im free tonite then great!


Finally youv'e left a message. If you dont get a response dont ring again...

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Thanks palazarou. I guess you are right. Texting her that same night might have looked a little weird from her perspective. I guess thats what you get when you mix emotions like that with intoxication But anyway it still makes me feel good that I got a number and really didnt have to do anything. I also think your right to put the ball more in their court instead of asking her out the next night, but instead asking her what works for her. Who knows maybe she will still call, maybe not. I'm not too worried. Now I know what not to do next time. I keep thinking about that text i sent, it still makes me chuckle

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Got a text from her. "Sorry I actually have a boyfriend, we are fighting and I gave you my number to make him mad. It was really nice meeting you but I am not available to date" * * *? Who does that. Whatever no loss here. Real mature though huh? At least she had the decency to let me know.

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But I love her soooo much Oh wait I dont even know her. I am laughing too SD! No skin off my back. I'm not worried. It sounds like she has a very mature and happy relationship with her guy. HAHAHAHAHA. If I could only look inside some people's heads and see what the *** they are thinking at times.

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