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Am I the only one.

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I know this seems like a bit of an overstatment but I am starting to feel as if I'm the only person in my college that is single. Every one of my "friends" there has a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Now I went through this in school but what got me through school was the belief that I would find someone in college. Well, I left school 2 and a half years ago and I'm in the exact position. I haven't met a single girl who I could have as a girlfriend and I wonder if I ever will.


What also seems to be getting to me is that I'm still a virgin and all I've done with a girl is kissing. One girl, four times and she even told me that I was too nervous to do it right. Well she's gone now and I can see absolutly no way of getting anyone else. I've been able to get by fairly ok alone but I'm starting to think that it's not going to change.

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Are you the only one? Nope. I'm in university and single. (Dare I say "whoo-hoo?" Nah, actually. lol) Most of my friends are married or in very significant relationships, as well. I figured, "Okay, going to a large school, I'm BOUND to meet someone awesome there! I mean, there's literally thousands of girls who go to school here!" But nothing happened for me either. You'd think that the odds would work in my favour, but there are other guys there too. Not only that, the girls who ARE single... well, they're not at all... my type, to say the least. I'm just not physically attracted to them. At all.


Is being pure such a bad thing? I don't think it is. As for kissing, it's not a hallmark of official status. Don't worry about it. It's highly overrated. Kissing is generally just used as a forerunner to sex anyway. Least that how I've always seen it, in my relationships.


As for nothing going to change, I am not God, nor do I know the future. I do know, however, that you can't sit back and just expect things to magically change on their own. I've done that, and here I am... almost three years later, nothing has changed yet. "Wait for it, and you'll meet the right one." Lies!


Don't listen to their lies! lol Seriously. They mean well, but it's utter nonsense. Maybe... maybe if you're a girl, if might work that way, but for us guys, we aren't so fortunate.


If you can start thinking positively, you will help yourself greatly. Also, go to parties, get out to the bars and clubs! Why? In my experience, THAT is where people meet and hook up! Don't expect school to lead to anything, but it probably won't. Bars/clubs and parties are where people go to pick up the opposite sex.


Best of luck to you, friend.


I'm rooting for you.

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Hey don't get down about it man. I was alone for the first two years of college or so and then started to get more involved with women the following two years. It gets much better don't worry. Just get out and make an effort. Don't sit in your dorm/apartment all day sulking about it. Join some clubs and just have some fun. And yes, definitely need to work on being more outgoing and confident. I mean, I am far from outgoing, but I have a lot of other personality traits that women tend to really like (like sense of humor, being somewhat ***** and funny with them a lot, caring (but not being too nice all the time), and strong muscles). Show off what you do have!

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the only way i've ever met a guy was through work or volunteer work. i've never met a guy i liked by depending on school. meeting someone by having a common ground (a job or volunteering or a club or a group or whatever) is a great way to start a good relationship. everyone goes to school, but if you meet a girl in a specific school club or has the same job as you, you've already got something in common, a reason to see her all the time (meetings or shifts at work together) and start something. i disagree with the person above, i don't really think that meeting people at bars and parties are the best way. those are methods, but i think it works better to be friends first (like in a club together or a job together) than going automatically to a date. just my two cents.

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I am not sure what you are looking for, a relationship or a hookup. Or any of the above. Someone looking for a relationship too will not care about your kissing skills and lack of experience.


I know it is kind of cliche, but usually you meet someone amazing when you are least expecting it.

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