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Is it wrong to ponder & question your dessisions?

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Long distance relationships and dating can be very difficult,you have to put a whole lot of trust in that other person (and they have to have trust and faith in you in return) and keep the communication flowing.But it can be more complex than that and sometimes it can be confusing.

All I know is I wish the last woman I was seeing (before I got back with my ex) was not as far away as she was,she was in another state far,far from me.

Sometimes I wonder if she was close and we met would we be together now? hmmm I guess you can't live your life on what if's.I still care about this person dearly and she will always be considered a very good friend...but still in the back of my mind I wonder if what I am doing is the right thing, I guess we were we both too afraid to take the chance take a leap of faith,prehaps we are both playing it safe.

Although it feels right at the time being being with my ex (I love her more than I could ever express)..will it be right down the line? I guess I will live and learn,and find out.Sorry about the rammbling..lol


What I am asking is it normal to question and wonder about things this way?

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People question their own intentions all the time. But some people don't know when to stop. Its important that you are realistic in life. And when it comes to long distant relationship, they only work out if people decide to come together, because if you are away from eachother in that you never see eachother, you might as wel consider yourself separated.

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