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Is there such a thing as Mr. or Mrs. Right? Or is it just Mr(s) Right Now?

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You always hear about "The One." Do you all believe in The One? Or does your perfect person change as you do, with age or life experience? There seems to be a lot of emphasis on the One, and I wonder if this makes people's expectations unreasonable (Ie. "he chews with his mouth open, he's not the One"). What do you all think?

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I don't think that there is such as thing as "the one." how depressing is that? That there is only 1 perfect person out there for you, and that is it? there are 6 billion people on this planet, so your chances of winning the lottery (1 in 12 million) are better than to meet "the one."


I think that putting all your hopes and dreams into 1 person is a dangerous thing to do. how can one person be your everything? that is an awfully tall order, and yes, like you said, can put a bunch of unrealistic expectations on them.


I also think that we meet certain people though at certain times in our lives to teach us lessons. every relationship is a gift and you learn something about yourself and your goals everytime you have a new relationship or breakup.

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I believe there's one or two people out there that'd be almost perfect for you compared to most; but, as annie said, 6 billion people on this planet! That will make them extremely hard to find! Plus, they're most likely in a relationship already! So, don't get your hopes up. lol


Many girls will probably want a Brad Pitt look-a-like, who matches their personality preferences, be rich like Donald Trump, etc.


Heck, finding someone that looks like Brad Pitt alone is extremely unlikely, unless you're a hot movie star. But then to put your personal preferences in personality into that 'shell' of Mr. Hot Guy? Wow. Start praying now, because it'll have to be a miracle...




I used to have a huge crush on Mariah Carey in the early-mid 1990s, thinking she was "Ms. Perfect"


She seemed to have a conservativeness, physical beauty and modesty about her that I personally loved. I literally prayed to meet someone just like her to marry one day. Then after 2000, she changed, and according to my preference, for the worse. So, you never know, I guess.


It's not good to have high expectations! lol

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Personally I think the concept of The One puts a lot of pressure on people because they feel like if they can't find this mysterious person, they have failed at love or something ... Personally I don't think there is only one right person for me, and I suspect that someone who may be great with me now may not be so lovely 10 or 20 years down the road.

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Personally I think the concept of The One puts a lot of pressure on people because they feel like if they can't find this mysterious person, they have failed at love or something ... Personally I don't think there is only one right person for me, and I suspect that someone who may be great with me now may not be so lovely 10 or 20 years down the road.


that is so true. I was talking to a woman who has been married for 20 years. she said that her and her husband have both completely changed. they are different people than when they got married. she said though, "luckily, we have evolved TOGETHER, which not all couples do."

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