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O my God, have mercy on me...

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I was going to take pills and drown myself in a nearby river, what kept me from doing it is that I don't want to inflict pain and guilt onto others. I am deeply suffering. I am stuck and can't seem to get pass through the pain. I am in absolute agony, have mercy on me, please. I am so hurt. I need to be healed. I need people to pray for me despite my lack of faith. O my God...

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There's nothing wrong with having a lack of faith... people suffer in this world no matter how much "faith" (whatever the hell that is) they have. The only real advice I can give you is to not give up. Be as miserable as you want, but please don't kill yourself. I know it doesn't make much sense... but if enough of us out there express ourselves and show the world that we are human beings with real thoughts, feelings, fears, and ambitions... maybe then the world can start to accept us.

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Please don't do anything rash. A lot of people are in pain too. Have you considered seeing a doctor because it sounds like clinical depression to me although I cannot diagnose you because I'm not one.


There's a book by Victor Frankl called "Man's search for meaning" which helped me find some answers. He was a Nazi concentration camp prisoner and survived to tell the tale and explains how there could be meaning in suffering. Hang in there.

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I was going to take pills and drown myself in a nearby river, what kept me from doing it is that I don't want to inflict pain and guilt onto others. I am deeply suffering. I am stuck and can't seem to get pass through the pain. I am in absolute agony, have mercy on me, please. I am so hurt. I need to be healed. I need people to pray for me despite my lack of faith. O my God...



Im so glad you didnt do something like that. Whatever it is thats bothering you, or causing you pain, Im sure it will go away in time. I will pray for you, and i have full faith that no matter what, you will get through your problems, and will find peace within.

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Well you called out to God when you were at your lowest point. Looks like you have faith to me.


God loves you no matter what happens. He wants you to come to him when you are in need and he'll help you and listen to you. After all, he guided you here.


So how about telling us what is going on and why you are in such pain?

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Well you called out to God when you were at your lowest point. Looks like you have faith to me.


God loves you no matter what happens. He wants you to come to him when you are in need and he'll help you and listen to you. After all, he guided you here.


So how about telling us what is going on and why you are in such pain?


I totally agree with avman

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