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Is this situation too weird??

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My boyfriend and I broke up six months ago after being together for over two years. We broke up because we had both broken the trust on occasions and it didn’t seem like it was working anymore. I still loved him but he told me he didn’t love me anymore. For about the last two months now we have been getting on really well and have almost been acting like we’re boyfriend and girlfriend. My feelings for him have been growing stronger and I asked him if he would ever go back out with me. He said he loved me how he used to but he couldn’t go out with me because he wouldn’t trust me so we could basically never be together. On a different occasion he also admitted to not wanting me and not wanting anyone else to have me. I haven’t been with anyone since we broke up in the hope he might take me back.


Last night I met a guy. I already knew who he was. He was the ex of the girl that my ex boyfriend had cheated on me with over a year ago. He didn’t actually cheat physically on me with her, but he told her he loved her (apparently meaning it in a jokey friend way) and they slept next to each other after a party hugging. He kissed her on the cheek but nothing more. She was in love with him and they met up every week for a couple of months and they also sent each other flirty text messages. Then I found out that she was in love with him and they had slept next to each other and so he broke all contact with her and focused just on me. This happened over a year ago now but this girl still hates me for taking away their friendship etc.



This girl went out with the guy I met last night for eight months and broke up with him four months ago to go out with one of his friends. I can tell he’s really cut up about it, he told me wanted to punch the guy who was his friend. I know he’s not over her although they don’t really speak now.

My problem is, is it wise to keep seeing him? He took my number and seemed interested in me. I spent a lot of time with him and he seems a really nice guy. I’ll probably be seeing him this weekend. But I dunno if the situation is too weird. He doesn’t know what happened to me with his ex as I chose not to tell him. Also if I did end up going out with him I would feel so uncomfortable when his ex found out. Can I really go out with the guy who has just broken up with the girl my boyfriend cheated on me with??

I dunno what to do.

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Wow that's pretty complicated. Honestly the biggest thing is that he's not over his ex gf, so he'd basically be using you to make himself feel better.. if he's a nice guy, it's fine to hang out with him and be his friend for now and you can explain why you want to do that.. maybe one day he'll be over her and then you can have something with him

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First, you own ex has made it pretty clear he doesn't intend to get back with you, so you have to give up on that, and on worrying what he will think about you dating other people. if he doesn't want to date you himself, then he has no right to be jealous or care about who you do or don't date...


Everyone is in varying states after a breakup too, so if you like this new guy, then date him, but don't lie to him about your ex. you can probably tell within a few dates whether you are clicking together, or whether he is too hung up on someone else to move forward with you. but if you are having a good time and like him, why not? neither you nor the new guy owe your exes anything, especially since both your exes proved unfaithful...

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