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Suicide tips?

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Why? you planing on it?


No one here in the right mind will say.


But hey whats wrong why you feeling this way? death isnt the answer. Your friends and family will never heal, no ones heals losing someone like that, they will always be thinking why? what were they thinking? why didnt they ask for help?, i know i ask myself that everyday

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So what i dont care. But just because you surrounded by idiots including myself doesnt mean you should end your life, you only have one shot at it, life does suck but ending it is the most selfish thing you could ever do, so i guess im not the only idiot

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hun if you kill yourself you're taking the easy way out. my dads best friend killed himself over some * * * * * and we go and visit his family from time to time and they have never healed.All they ever talk about is him and his sister. I think if you did something like this you would be incredibly selfish and hurt everyone that loves you.

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So you dont care at all if you hurt anyone? Just think about your loved ones befor you do it please, and hey if you were really thinking about it, you couldnt look for the painless way, you wouldnt care how much pain, this is just your cry for help. What is really wrong? tell us please, everyone here is here to help not judge you

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So basically you're saying I should stay alive and endure this pain, stress, agony and general displeasure just so those around me don't have to deal with any? That's a * * * *ty deal.


Your sick of this pain, then get help, death isnt gunna help you at all, open your eyes stop just thinking about yourself, think about everyone esle to please, let them help you

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For one, I'm surrounded by idiots such as yourself who don't understand simple grammar.



hay that me, I'm dislexic, so that makes me an idiot right.

well not quit seems my brains wired up wrong o well.



this is what I think I'm not saying I'm right or wrong its just my point of view,

could it be your asking the wrong question , should you not ask

"what's the point in death?"


I'm mean look what you get after death, no body, loss of mind, and the end of larning, just forever in th dark or In some holy place hot or cold place. I mean not much to look forward to there.


So next question is

"why have you lost hope?"


to me that's what death is the loss of hope for ever.


just asking

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So basically you're saying I should stay alive and endure this pain, stress, agony and general displeasure just so those around me don't have to deal with any? That's a * * * *ty deal.


I've actually been in the same situation as yourself. I was not only upset with my life but also all of the general evil acts that are happening in the world. I felt like I could not enjoy myself if other people were suffering or starving in some part of the world, it made me feel guilty. But, I came accross a quote a few months back that really helped me and changed my world view. Your thoughts determine who you are and what kind of life you're going to live. If you want something to change then your thoughts have to reflect that change.

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Wow. Thats rough. Its entirely up to you, not going to say you should or you shouldn't. The only person you can control is yourself.


Psychology tends to say that those who don't talk about their suicide plans are the ones that actually do it, and those who do talk about their plans, are screaming out from deep inside them for attention, someone to care, someone to give a . Well, if it helps, many people on here give a . So, let it out, what are you feeling?

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Ok HIV seems bad, but I have a few freands who have it, one from art callage who's been + for 16 years, his on the cobination retrows drugs and doing grate, evey time his counts low they dlast the virus with drugs and he's ok again.

the death rate from hiv had colapsed over the last 10 years. The other news is drug companies are plowing big buks into finding a golden bullet drug that will take the virus out for good. The anti repilation drugs look very good. But there are some others which seem to get past the viruses abuilty to shift its protean restpers skin.


Have you been to councaling its very inpostent to go, your going to need time and help to get over the shock and getbyour life back on track.


don't lost hope

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nope you have to make it worth living, best way is selfhelp groups, siting down with others like your self, I know a guy who got HIV from drug use, get that he's taking drug to hid from life and it comes right up and bites him,

best thing that ever happoned to him, he got off the class a's he says and most of his old druggy mates OD'ed yet he's happy has a GF and a good life


STAGES of greef


1 shock

2 angry

3 denile

4 depression

5 exseptence


I could have the ouder wrong but thows are the stages you will go throw.

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