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Here is the story..plz help me out:


I will make the story short:


We were school mates..and know each other from 17 years..and were in serious relationship from past 7 years.


first 6 years were very good except few emotional breakdown here and there...from 2006 we were involved in very serious breakdowns..and she used to cry feeling ..i am rejecting her or not caring for her...


it continued ...as i felt she is behaving immatured....calling me daily night..she knowing that i had to go for a job...early mornig..i used to say to her...please we will discuss afterwards...like in the eve..but she never listened...sometimes...we didnt talk for few days..and after that we used to comeback like a bang...it was routine in our relationship..


one day...she suddenly emailed me..saying...she is not happy with the relationship..and she will talk with her parents about this....i doubted her and checked her messages and emails..and saw that she was flirting with other boy...i doubted her and she denied...saying it was just friendship..


it continued for many months...and she finally decided to break this up..i pleaded that..i will be good at her will..and will change and care...her...as i used to do...we alsoe planned to marry in 2 months...everything was set..she made me to talk with her parents too for marriage date...we informed frds......


things went out smoothly.for few days..but she started lieing to me...when ever she went withthat boy...


one day...i made a sudden visit to her apartment at night...and she was with him on bed..i became crazy and went out shouting at her both..and she even complained to police that i broken her house..and involved into her personal matter.s..i got pissed and told all my frds what happened...she is in college..and all my frds study there...everyone started seeing her differently...


after 3-4 days...she started calling me...crying that...he realized..what she did was wrong...i didnt believe her...sometimes she cries saying she reallly repents..and sometimes she says...i have made her character bad by informing to everyone...


i dont know whether she is coming back bcz i informed every frd of mine...(who are common frds to both of us)...or she really realized...


when she stops calling..i miss her...but....dont know what to do...i feel..if she can cheat me after 7 years or relationship...she can cheat me any time in the future...


hep me out here...

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