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I did get through it last time. I know I'll get through it this time. I really want to do better this time. I handled things so badly last time. I NEED to be SUPERDAD like SuperDave said.


And that is very good advice about moving furniture around. I've already been thinking about that. About how nice it will be to have space once she moves all of her stuff out. I plan to rearrange the bedroom for sure.


If your going to start with the bedroom might I say....start with new bedding also...MANLY,MAN STUFF! new,crisp sheets are the best.

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Day 13..


woke up pretty late feeling fine. odd thing i got a voicemail from my bestfriend (the one that got me and my ex together) who i haven't talked to in such a long time. since thanksgiving. I called him back seeing what was up. he asked to hear how i was doing. i told him everything and how i was doing fine. He suddenly brought up the ex and her new guy and how he say the pic on "MYSPACE"..i guess he wanted to hear my reaction..sadly there was NO REACTION..i told him, "i don't care, and it's her life..and can we stop talking about this..i kind of killed this subject a long time ago." haha..and i think the greatest part of it, i didn't feel anything...like normally or before when someone would bring her up, i get that gut feeling of missin her or i'll feel miserable..but now i kind of just brushed it off. like nothing..its like why do we still talk about this person, Honestly???you swear like i still care!.and i felt i was being extra mature about it as well. i told him that i moved on and feeling great...and the relationship for me is no longer nothing but a learning experience. but for some odd reason i think he still thinks i care for her, which i don't anymore.. anyways im here sitting in my room typing this and doing laundry.. boy it feels so good right now, too bad its rainin here..oh well. update this later!

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ok im gettin tempted to talk to my ex now ahhh!


im feelin soo down now i cant even concentrate at work


its hard we are online at work...although i deleted his sn...juss the thought he is online and not talkin to me hurts me a little.. i know i shouldnt worry or bother......but i just miss him tooo much and its killing me!

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yeah, i know i wont....... what if he contacts me? should i reply or ignore?



I didnt ignore and now I think it was just a game to him..he knew I was moving on..IE: going on dates having fun ect.ect

I caved and there was something I recall him saying that now is bugging me to death.

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yeah, i know i wont....... what if he contacts me? should i reply or ignore?


This is really tough pinkbunnie. I was doing so well the last week of NC and then she contacted me and I felt that I was back at square one. I wanted to respond so bad. But I got some great advice on here.


Dont respond right away no matter how bad you want to. Wait a few days and at that point see if you still want to. If you respond right away your ex will know that you are still here and waiting to hear from them. It totally defeats the purpose of NC and shows them its just sham.


Wait a few days and if then you still want to respond then I guess thats what you have to do, but think of the consequences before you do. What will the outcome be? Will it make you happier or sadder?


My ex contacted me yesterday and I almost responded immediately, but I am going to wait at least another day to see if I still feel that way. It is the hardest thing to have them contact you and you not respond.


Hang in there pinkbunnie it gets easier, but only if you want it to!

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I didnt ignore and now I think it was just a game to him..he knew I was moving on..IE: going on dates having fun ect.ect

I caved and there was something I recall him saying that now is bugging me to death.


yeah, when i dont talk to my ex he contacts me. thats how he is i guess. and i dont get that though...why does he stops talking to me and few days later he contacts me??

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yeah, when i dont talk to my ex he contacts me. thats how he is i guess. and i dont get that though...why does he stops talking to me and few days later he contacts me??


He gets scared that you arent there any more and contacting you is his way of knowing that you are still willing to talk to him and be "there" for him.

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bunnie- I dont want to break NC with a passion right now, this challenge has been great for me. But I feel that I really need some closure right now from her. I need to tell her that I am moving on because it doesnt seem like she gets it. I want her to know that I only want her to contact me if she wants to get back together. Its more of a closure thing. Go to page 119 on this thread and read what I wrote yesterday that I thought about saying to her. Does this sound appropriate and to the point?


I am willing to break NC once to get some closure from her and to tell her what it is I want, and that what she is doing is hurting me more. I plan on going back to the challenge afterword, let me know what you think. Anyone else too. SuperDave you are exempt I already got your opinion



Thanks folks

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WE are in the same boat pink,

I didnt think much of it when he said he would call me later on sunday. I actually thought "humm, wont hold my breath" but then he calls (twice) to make plans for the rest of the day.

Like I said, we had a nice day...but neither one of us has called the other since. I know its only wednesday..but that is how he was before..we would spend awsome weekends ( some weekdays) together and then I wouldnt hear from him for days..that makes me feel like he thinks im at his beck and call.

yes, he does have a busy schedual..but there have been plenty of times he gets off work early and dosent make plans or call...this was the biggest problem. I feel that if he wants to be with me a 5 min phone call isnt too much to ask.

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I did my closure through a letter.....I called him and asked him to stop by and pick it up..he did. this was a brake back in nov.

we got back together and it was the same. so here we are.

if closure is what your after make sure you can keep emotion out of it. I find writing is best..you can take your time --read....re read..edit..ect.

After what just happened to me...talking in person led to other things and cheap talk as far as im concerned ( at this point anyway). big mistake!

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Hey all, day 13 today! i feel this getting a little bit easier everyday; i think the motivation is that i don't want to start all over at day 1 and have superdave get pissed off at me lol, i just got off school, going to start studying for a test tomorrow. The only thing i noticed though, is that while im studying, thoughts of her get to my head and its hard to concentrate.. hanging in there though

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