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and luvmykids, I'm seeing a pattern in men's behaviour here, or maybe just in our men's behaviour... They don''t act like men should do... they should do one thing or the other, if he choses to be with me, than he should respect me and fully commit to me... and NC will make him sorry, but I have to focus on myself, because he hurt me, and I will never let him do that. I still love him, and I miss him so much already One of my friends stopped by today and when she told me she likes so much my new bed, I burst into tears, cause I thought it would be ours when we get married...

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Fleur, first of all lotsa HUGZ for you, you poor thing, you are smart though, and yes there is a pattern in these men's behaviour, for sure, I can see that. If they loved us enough, we wouldn't be here, right? They DON'T know what they want, so they keep us on a string, its sooo true.... don't let him hurt you anymore.... hell I'm one to talk, I'm still hurting very much still too

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Hey people


So it's been over 2 weeks since the last email. Feel kinda weird and wishing this feeling would just disappear - it's like this heaviness in my chest that sometimes just seems to become unbearable for a few hours then lift. I had my haircut today as a way to make me feel better, but when I was sat in the chair looking in the mirror I noticed the huge bags under my eyes that no one else around me had. I felt vaguely confident walking out of the hairdresser's and looking round Bluewater with my ipod plugged in - but still feel kinda...eurgh.

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I recommend haircuts! I don't know if it's the same for guys, but I know that it makes me feel like a sort of new person because it's often a lot more noticeable. I had a bit style change after my last break up too. Not only is it relaxing having the other person washing your hair, but it's good to know that this person is focused on you, and making what you want to happen - happen. Also got "Wash that man right outta my hair" in my head, and tried to force myself to let go. And did - for awhile.


Considering a visit to London for the day by myself. I love walking around where no one knows me, and that chances of seeing someone I know are low, so I don't have to think about anyone but myself. I'm visiting my uni friends in Portsmouth soon, so I'll have around 3 hours on the train to myself - but it's not quite the same.

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Yes that sounds nice.... I haven't been away from home much lately, just hanging around, feeling kinda down again.... up for awhile, but down eventually, thats the way it seems to go lately.... yep a haircut is definitely in order I think I like the idea of washing that man right outta my hair lol

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i also recommed washing your car! hehehe I just got back from the car wash... it feels great to drive around with a clean ride...

On my way back I had to drive past her house. It still gives me an uneasy feeling, but Im more confident now that I know she stil thinks of me (because of her text msg yesterday, and because a friend of mine says she saw her in my club last night)... but well, i know there are rough patches ahead, but now I feel great. Its kind of hard having all weekend for myself, when they used to be packed with shared activities...

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Hi TJones, good to hear that, yep its sure nice to know that they still care, but not so much that they are moving in accross the road however lol, yeah the hardest thing for me still is the weekends, used to be constantly doing something with him.


I turn down friends wanting to go out mostly, I hate the thought of another bar night, I have to force myself to do that lately ......

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I guess I'm lucky that I barely saw my ex. Neither of us can drive, so I'd always have to get a taxi home which got expensive! Then when I went to uni I obviously didn't see him much. Now that I think of it...I could probably count every day we spent together because they were so rare!


I don't tend to go out at all...I never have, it's not really in my nature. I much prefer staying in with my friends watching a film and chatting. Less noise and you know you'll get a seat! So I don't have that to worry about like you do!

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I turn down friends wanting to go out mostly, I hate the thought of another bar night, I have to force myself to do that lately ......


Hi Sandy!

Have you tried dancing? For me its the best. I go dance with my friends and concentrate on them. I dont try to hit on girls or anything, I just dance and make a fool of myself... but my friends do it too hehehe. I think going to bars only makes you more prone to keep thinking of the problems that bother you, and since you go there with friends, you must end up talking about them. When I go dancing, I barely talk hehe. Well I suggest you try it, even if you are not good at dancing...

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