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Day 19 for John, day 6 for Mark. A little sad about John today, remembering how things were between us. Would have been easier if things were bad between us, but our relationship was a good one. It was the break up that sucked.

As for Mark, I am turned upside down on that one. Too much to write here, but suffice it to say I don't want to talk to him, maybe ever again, and I NEVER thought I'd ever feel that way about him.

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3 days NC but last night was at a mutual (originally mine) friend's house and heard him talking to him in the other room...


started to ask about him but realised i didn't wanna put my friend in any kind of tight situation, so told him not to tell me anything - all i gleaned was that he was at home watching the Champs league final....


and my friend later said to me something about us getting back together, i was a bit drunk at this time, so don't wanna read into it, don't know what he meant......



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Day 6 NC


I am starting to see more of his good points recently. This is probably not a good thing! All I hope is that he is thinking the same way about me. Really hard to not write on his facebook after our team lost in the football last night. Argggh!

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NC Day 3


Hasn't been as hard or as easy as I thought it would be. Evenings and late afternoons are the hardest point. Having said that this will be the first weekend we haven't seen each other in 12/13 weeks so I think this will be really difficult. Have planned lots to do with my son, so hopefully I will be able to fill the gap.

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i know that...but i would say that you have to ignore the things you have in common, forget you have anything in common - i know it's easy to constantly refer back to anything that reminds you of them - but it really doesn't help!!!


Oh I see. Yes, you are right.

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Day 2 of the new NC... Feeling really nervous this morning (waking up seems to be the worst). Hopefully, since the ex called to make sure I was alright, she'll be thinking more about me over time. I just have to focus on having fun while her rebound rides itself out.

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Day 20 for John, Day 7 for Mark of NC, although I have checked out Mark's MySpace a few times. I'm considering deleting him off my friend's list. I already have deleted him out of my phone. I know he is clueless at this point that he's even being blacklisted, but I also know he could care less, and won't miss me a single solitary ounce, so I'm not too worried. Mainly I'm keeping him on MySpace so as not to raise a big issue about my NC. Who knows, he may drop me on his own anyway.

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day 1 - this is the second NC attempt in my second break up with the same guy who left me for the same reason. It's more difficult this time around as I took him back thinking he had changed....I was moving on in life and he returned. It hurts like crazy. I've begun my healing. I may bump into him tomroow night at a party, but I will be coordial, no hugs, just a smile, maybe, or not even that.

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Day 1 ...


... after 5 and a half years, my boyfriend and I split up about 2 months ago. Our breakup was complicated so I'm not sure who was officially the dumper or dumpee but I tried to get him back and he chose his new lover who he moved in with last week so I definetely feel like the dumpee. Last night he moved the last of his stuff out of the house.


I notice that some people are using NC to move on but I'm doing it in the hope that he will come back to me. Our breakup was initially very ugly but we soon became amicable. He definetely expected to remain friends. Last night I told him that we couldn't but I wished him happiness with his future, even if it didn't include me. He was quite stunned and didn't say anything for about 5 minutes. There isn't a doubt in my mind that he still has feelings for me but at the moment, they are obvisouly not strong enough to warrant being with me. I've taken up this challenge and am going NC in the hope that he misses me as much as I miss him and he realises that it's me he wants to be with.


I've had to go through a lot in my life including losing my parents but this is the hardest thing I've had to deal with. I'm now past the physical pain phase where you just want to stick a knife in your belly so at least there's a physical reason for the excrutiating pain you feel. I'm also hopeful that I've past the uncontrollable sobbing stage where you almost suffocate because you can't breathe.


I don't know what stage I'm in now as my emotions are all over the place. One minute I'm numb, the next I'm trying to fight the tears, the next I feel hopeful.


I just long for the day when either we are back together or I don't miss him anymore.

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Hang in there, Abbie


I'm also doing NC in hopes that my ex will realize what she's missing. She's in a LDR right now, but all signs point to it being a rebound. She's already called once after a week and a half to make sure I'm OK, so her head is still too wrapped around me to really be in another relationship.


At the same time, I'm using this as time for me, cleaning up my life, etc, and I actually have a date next week with someone who sounds like a lot of fun. No replacement for my ex, but someone to enjoy the company of nonetheless.


Big hug for you...

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Hi Abbie, things sound tough for you at the moment, but it seems like you are doing all the right things. I'm on the emotional rollercoaster you describe too and just trying to hang on until it stops. You've come to the right place for support anyway. It's easier doing it with others who are feeling the same.

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Bepositive, I am in the same boat with you, she broke it off, I stated my position that I did not want to, was taken by surprise, and she may have gone on a few rebound dates while away. She gets home for the summer soon and I think will call, I have been NC on and off for a few weeks and now in total RS ( radio silence) for a week, which will continue when she calls, most likely to see if I am "alright"

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Day 21 for John, Day 8 for Mark. Mark is my hard one. I feel sad about John in the way that I miss things about him. I miss feeling loved and cared for, even if it was shortlived. I miss sharing everyday details with him. I don't miss the sex. I don't miss kissing him. I don't miss physicality with him. Just the emotional nurturing he provided.

Mark??? I miss all of him in one sense and none of him in another. I miss him physically. I miss him funny. I miss him quiet and strong beside me. I miss him playful. I miss his kisses like crazy.

I don't miss him rude, sarcastic, egotistical. I don't miss him stand-offish. I don't miss the hunger, the waiting but never fulfilled. I don't miss feeling less than best. I don't miss feeling least.

I still get tempted to check John's MySpace, although it's been 3 weeks, but I know I will regret it if I do. It's best that I don't.

I am going to start incorporating not looking at Mark's MySpace as part of my NC with him, even though he's on my friends' list. (Just can't bring myself to take him off yet.)

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Day 1 wass a success....Day 2 is a mess...just woke up with his memories filing my head...today is Saturday the day we would go out for lunch.....now all I have is NOTHING to do...its tough, but I shall persist.


Listening to Daughtry and tryin to ease the pain.

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