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Dating New Year's Resolutions?

Kevin T

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Meet a woman. Have a good time. Get my first kiss, stick my arms out and twirl on the hilltops like Julie Andrews.


Other than that, nothing much.


My good friend is in a very similar position as you are.


I can tell you this - your future with women is dependent on becoming action-oriented. Start small then go big. Conversations, hanging out, kiss, then more. It helps to not fear rejection too or even offending a woman.

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Well i've had a crappy new year's start. This girl i went out with tried it on with my best friend and after finding out i told her how pathetic she was, but things are tense between me and my best friend, we aint talkin right now, another argument with another friend too. BUT, apart from all the studies etc im doing (which are keeping my mind off everything tbh, im doing a Masters in Modern History, kinda tough) My new Years Resolution is like a continuation to rid myself of shyness. I got my first girlfriend last year and at the age of 20 its kinda late , but i started to get out of my Shy SHell, and i hope to do so for the remainder of this year.

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I guess I belong to the "get over your shyness with the opposite sex" group, too. I've been super-shy with attractive women (only attractive women though lol), and it's got to stop. So I've resolved to do all that I can to fix this problem with chicks once and for all.


I always said I'd do "anything" to fix this problem, yet I was never willing to do the work and put myself out there. So I only had myself to blame... but enough is enough. Last year was the LAST year I spend whining about being single. I go to a nice school, with tons of beautiful girls, why not start there? lol Good a place as any.

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