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I did the worst thing a friend can do to another. I kissed her boyfriend. We were under the influence, it was New Years, and made a huge stupid 3 second mistake that's unexcusable. I wish I could say it was a New Years kiss, but it wasn't. It meant nothing. We have no feelings for each other whatsoever.


I'm so upset with myself. She recently moved back to her home town and as a friend, I had the job of "keeping an eye and ear out" since I'm good friends with his best friends. That's how my girl friend and I met. Their relationship was somewhat on the rocks because they didn't know if a long distance could work. We haven't been friends very long.. about a year and a half- but managed to become pretty close.. we even traveled abroad for 2 months together.


He decided to tell her what happened and he did. To my expectations she never wants to talk to either of us again. I don't know how their relationship will play out from this point on because he kissed someone else earlier in the night as well. Though it's only been 12 hrs since it happened but I really do think she'll never speak to me again. I believed it was the right thing to be honest rather than covering a wrong with awrong. But I somewhat have regrets because now I lost a friendship I really valued. But at the same time I he didn't discuss it with me before telling her so I guess there wasn't much I could have done anyways. Please tell me telling her was the right thing to do?!

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Yes it was. and you wont' have to worry about it !!!! ANXIETY SUCKS! I think you should let her calm down and then talk to her about it. She will need time to think about all this. Apologize and keep it up - don't put the ball in her court, i mean after all is said and done, keep up the apologies and still love her like the friend you are or want to be.

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