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Everybody seems to be getting married

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I got married for the first time at the age of 21. It was ended in divorce less than a year later. Granted he hit me and thats why I left but looking back, neither of us were old enough for the seriousness of marriage.


Dont rush, when you meet the person for you, you'll know.. There will be no doubts. Now, I am married to a wonderful man, we were 26 and a little older heading into it. I just turned 29, and we are close to our 3 year aniversary as husband and wife.


If I had to give an age, id say wait till you are at least 25, but good luck to your friends that are already getting married!

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Many people I know of who married in their twenties, were then divorced by their thirties. Marriage isn't everything. They have to be in it for the long haul.


Can't aggree more with this. Many people get married but few these days actually are going to be together for the rest of their lives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know where you're coming from, and it can be easy to fool yourself into thinking you need to be in a serious relationship just because your friends are getting engaged. It's like if all your friends went out and bought a Mercedes Benz, you might all of a sudden feel a need to own one.


Also don't let the fact that you haven't been a serious relationship yet scare you into thinking that you never will. There are just some people out there that have a personality/mentality that lends themselves to getting married at an early age and/or rushing in to a marriage, and sadly those people may also get divorced at a young age as well.


There's plenty of people out there that don't get into serious relationships until they are older, and those couples can have a better chance of lasting longer because the people in it had a longer amount of time to grow as individuals.

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