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Having Trouble

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Hey everyone, this is my first post here as you can probably see. This seems like an awesome forum for help so I'm hoping it's not a problem that my first post is asking for help.


Here's my situation. I broke up with my girlfriend about 7 months ago. I wanted to wait like a month to start dating again because it was one of my longer relationships (6 months). I won't get into the details of the relationship because it's irrelevant. It's been 7 months, and for almost 6 of them I've been telling myself I've been ready to date.


The problem is that I can't find anyone! I'm tired of it, I'm tired of wanting a new relationship. I'm 17, and I know I have time. But I go to school, I leave and go to work. At school I have no girls of interest in any of my classes, and I work at a software company with 2 guys every day. It feels as if I have no opportunities to meet a new person.


I'm about ready to grab the first hot girl I see walking around and ask her out, my patience is wearing thin Any advice to meet a smart cute girl?


Thanks in advance for any advice.

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i totally agree, for me, it was always when i was not looking for love that it fell right in my lap. I understand wanting to be in a relationship, but maybe theres something else you can focus your time and attention on for now. You do still have plenty of time to meet someone, but if you really can't wait, you will probably have to start frequenting other places besides school and work. Maybe a friend can help or knows someone you might be interested in?

Good luck!!

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I agree and I would say stop judging as well. When people hear the word "judging" they assume it means something really awful. But judging is something we all do constantly - we just have to check ourselves on it.

Aside from the girls who are already in a relationship, there are probably tons of cute,smart girls - they may just be shy, aloof or busy. Take time to consider all the ones you may have rejected at first and get to know some casually - maybe a spark will fly where you didn't think there was one.....

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Yeah, it just seems like something should of happened already. I always see all these people who meet new people right away. I just miss having someone I care about to hang out and have fun with. After a while I became lonely, and I just miss having someone there.


I was just wondering if there was any way to put myself into an environment where it's more likely that I could meet someone I liked. And if so, some good places I can do this.

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I can't imagine that every girl you meet isn't 'cute' enough for your standards... why not date a bunch of girls without the pre-conceived notion that each one has to be long term girlfriend material? you might be surprized too... i have met some people who i did not find immediately attractive, only to discover the more i got to know them, the better they looked to me!


in other words, don't expect love at first sight every time, and exclude all kinds of girls who might really make you happy just because they weren't 'hot' at first glance..

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Thanks for all of you're advice. You all bring up very good points. I don't want to seem like I have standards based on a person's looks. Obviously it's one of those first attractions, but it's not a standard.


Would it be wrong to try and put myself into environments where at least I have a chance to meet new people? For example going to do something like community service with kids my age, or finding some sort of a club to participate in?


What would you define as looking for love?


Is going out to meet new people with hopes of finding someone I'm attracted to "looking for love"?

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