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How much time do you spend together?

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I am curious to know how often those who are bf and gf spend time together.


If you don't live together, how many days of the week do you see each other?

What are your circumstances? (work, school, long distance)

How late do you stay/do you sleep over?

How often do you have sex in comparison to how much you see each other?

Are you satisfied with the amount?


I see my bf every weekend and sleep over Friday and Saturday nights. Very rarely do I see him during the week. We are in college and I do not think we spend a sufficient amount of time together. Our schedules are different...however don't normal people still see each other even if it is late at night? I don't mean to sound petty and I know each relationship is different and has its own dynamic. But, I am curious as to how my relationship compares to others regarding this particular issue as I am not satisfied with the time spent.


When I leave to go to my family's house over breaks (I live 2 hours away from him) I usually would go down to spend 2-4 days with him straight and there are no issues. It's not like he doesn't want to see me. But, even when I am away he never talks about how much he misses me...so I guess he doesn't. We have a great relationship otherwise. We talk online for 2 hours a day when I am home here usually...so I guess that is more than enough. But, we don't do long distance convos too well. I don't know. Please just answer my above questions, thanks.

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It all depends on the 2 people involved.


In my case, he lives 15 minutes away and he has a normal 8-5 job and a hobby. He ends up coming over 2-3 times week around 11-12, and sometimes he doesn't show up. This has been a HUGE problem for me, as I am not happy with our situation.


Some people are okay with this, some are not. I need more "we time". I asked if he could include me (as he has previously promised) in his hobby which is music. But so far, nothing. I have been preparing my good-bye speech. So sad. All I want is to be happy.

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We see eachother 5-6 nights a week. Been together 2 years. We dont spend many days together. Mostly because he works so much. But I dont mind. I enjoy alone time. We have a terrible sex life. Its been 3 weeks. Im trying to figure that out, but not getting very far.

How long have you been together?

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My boyfriend lives about 15-20 minutes away from me, and we usually see eachother around 4-5 days a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

Our circumstances are a bit complicated, as we both still live with our families. He is currently looking for a job, while I'm staying at home this year due to disease.


Usually we will say good night around midnight, and spend the night together whenever we have the chance. Which is not too often, every other week or so, and at the moment I'd like it to be more frequent. Other than that, I'm overall satisfied.

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me and my boyfriend see each other about 6 out of the 7 days a week (thats including school)...but on days where there isnt school..we spend anywhere from 2-10 hours together (no overnighters tho..we're just highschoolers)..and that all depends on HIM..whether or not he has to work..or whether or not he wants to play his games with friends etc..but everyone needs their alone time..and i do enjoy myself when he isnt around because i can do what I want to do and not worry about whether or not hes entertained

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