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I'm in Love With My Best Friend!

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Normally i would not use forums but i feel like i have exhausted all other options and am in need of some help.

I have Known my best friend for 11 years and am now 18, she is 16. We are incredibly close (since my mother died she has really been their for me and me for her when she has needed me ... she has keys to my house and I to hers and i see her pretty much everyday, and in holidays she is nearly always here(owh and to add to this my family adore her in particular my younger sister and Brother and My mother used to)) anyway for 4 years i have been madly in love with her , yet no matter how hard i try , i can't seem to get her out of my head or my heart.

She has dated other guys , and seeing her hurt is incredibly painful for me and everytime it happens i feel even worse!

Last Year i admitted my feelings for her and she told me that it would jeopardize our friendship and yet she told me that i was one of the sweetest people she knew.

Even though i realise what she is saying i can't shed my emotions for her and all the time i spend with her just makes me love her even more.

Please Help i have no idea what to do !

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Not as an older Brother but definitely the trust thing is an issue.

It's Just i can't seem to move on .

I mean before she found out about my feelings she tried to set me up with Girls , they may have been nice but i can't seem to let myself want to.

I have no Idea where to take this with her.

I can talk to her about anything , except this !.

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