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What is fat?


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I work in the medical field.....I know all about how to find out how healthy I am. I was interested in opinions on what people consider too big.


Magazines are full of very very thin celebrities but they also call people like Beyonce and J-Lo ect "curvy" which indicates that they are "bigger" but really they're all a size 8-10, which, to me, is thin. I was interested to find out how "curvy" and "too fat" ect was perceived by others.


I have body issues and problems with food.....I get obsessed over issues like this.

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my friend asked me to put this comment in nicer words so i will..... personally i dont think its very nice of people to make threads like this or make comments on fat people in a mean way as it could ruin peoples confidece and since we ARE on a website promoting HELPING PEOPLE i think we should try to tone it down with the critism.


i personally preferred my comment i had before editing becuz it told oyu exactly what i thought and told straight out how disgusting i think all this is but you know whatever

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I think it is perspective.


When I was in my late teens and hit 130 I thought I was too heavy. In college I weighed around 110 but people constantly told me to eat and I didn't realize how skeletal I looked. When I got pregnant at 117 and skyrocketed to 165 after 2 kids, I thought I was never going to look like myself again and lose the baby weight. Then one day I decided I looked much better with my newly found curves.


I admit I walk past a mirror and do a double take on occasion because my mind's eye still sees me as thin as a rail.


Now I'm more interested in toning than keeping track of the weight. I guess I'll feel fat when I lose my my waist from not exercising someday but it is hard to say what fat is for me until I get there.

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i really do not like the word 'fat', i really do not think anyone can be fat or if anyone can define fat just by looking at someone- everyone is attractive whether they are a size 8 or 18, i would never call anyone fat but you only have to worry slightly if you become 5 stone over the average for your height.... curves and bumbs are what defines each person if we all had a set shape we would be robots...i really do not know whether this is helpful or not but in my opinion fat is a bad word and shouldn't be used

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my friend asked me to put this comment in nicer words so i will..... personally i dont think its very nice of people to make threads like this or make comments on fat people in a mean way as it could ruin peoples confidece and since we ARE on a website promoting HELPING PEOPLE i think we should try to tone it down with the critism.


i personally preferred my comment i had before editing becuz it told oyu exactly what i thought and told straight out how disgusting i think all this is but you know whatever


I was asking for personal reasons. Not to make anyone else feel bad. In future I'll refrain from starting posts. Thanks for your support.

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I was asking for personal reasons. Not to make anyone else feel bad. In future I'll refrain from starting posts. Thanks for your support.


And you're well within your rights to ask. I think if anything, this thread has shown that people prefer lots of different things and that is helpful, so don't worry about it.


I agree with most folks here, it really depends on the person. A woman who hunches over and obviously has no confidence and has a few extra pounds would, to me, be unattractive. But stand up straight, smile and show that confidence and you would be a sexy beast.


I find that size doesn't matter much, it's what I see in the person's face and eyes that really gets to me. But, I will admit, I too have my personal limits. All in all, I absolutely adore curves. There is a point that a woman stops having curves and that's where I tend to no longer be interested.

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See that was my question....when does it stop being curves and start being fat? Magazines call size 10-12 curvy but is that curvy or skinny? What is curvy? What is skinny? And what is fat?


I would love to be a size 10....I consider a size 10 skinny....but if that's what people consider curvey then I must be obese.....

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When the waist and the hip measurement is the same, that's not curvy. If the waist measurement is bigger than the hips, that's not curvy. To me, curvy is the waist measurement being smaller than the hips and bust. There is a lot more variety to that than it sounds, but that's what does it for ME. I'm not saying that's what does it for everyone.

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I'd say that if a person has to wear 2 watches because they take up 2 time zones, then they should consider lifestyle modification, lmao. However, I believe that everybody is sexy to somebody, somewhere. This is why I refuse to label anyone as "fat" or "ugly". Doing so would be like judging the taste of the person that finds them attractive.

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Well, no one finds me attractive or pretty so I must be ugly, unattractive and obese.


You simply have not found that person who does, or he has not found you. I never said it was easy. You are a perfect 10 to somebody, somewhere.


When one of my coworkers got married, he wanted a female employee (who was easily 300 pounds or about 136 kilograms) to do a strip tease at his bachlor party. I thought he was joking. He wasn't!!!!!!!!! He thought it was sexy, I had to order another rusty nail, lol. But, if he likes it..............

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Ok. I'm very strongly attracted to super-skinny women. But that does not mean I think that women should be super-skinny, it is just what I find sexually attractive. I have absolutely no problem with women of average size or larger, or indeed those who are very big indeed. The only important thing for the woman is that they are happy with themselves. Men have such a wide range of tastes, there will always be someone who is attracted by a certain weight whatever that may be.


Of course there are health issues connected to eating disorders, but in the end I am a libertarian and I don't think it's up to others to tell someone that they are either too fat or too thin. Also, being attracted to very skinny women, I've noticed that many people just assume that a woman who weighs very little must have an eating disorder when in fact there are many people who are just naturally bone thin and can't put on weight however hard they try. Often these naturally super-skinny women receive a lot of abuse about their weight and are very upset about it. I know a 25 year old woman who certainly doesn't have any eating disorder at all and she is 5' 10" and weighs 110lbs. That is her natural weight, however much she eats! Apart from her husband and myself, I have never heard any other man compliment her on her body size and have heard countlees insults towards her. But there are at least two people who think she is incredibly sexy!

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All men think that thin women are better.....every single man in the world would pick mischa barton over dawn french....it's obvious.

And that means I am not attractive to anyone. Hence why I am alone and why guys just try to have sex with me and then leave......sex is sex for every single man I have ever been with...they put up with my fat and ugliness because they're getting their leg over. But they never tell their mates about it. they keep it a secret, never call and ignore that it ever happened.

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Hi GalaxyC.


All men are not the same. There is an incredible range of male sexuality and sexual desires. There are some men who are attracted only to Big Beautiful Women and who require a woman to be obese for them to become sexually aroused by her. It is the complete opposite of myself, but it works for them. Such men as those probably wouldn't look twice at you because you're much too thin! Of course the tastes of the vast majority of men lie somewhere between those of myself and those others I've just described and would consider your weight to be excellent.

If you have low self esteem that can be much more of a passion damper than actual appearance. But if your photo in the photo thread is accurate you are actually very attractive indeed. Sometimes people with very individual personalities can find it much harder to meet others who find them attractive. But when the right man does come along, he is going to feel extremely lucky because you are a very pretty woman.

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Hey Galaxy


I saw your photo in the photo thread, and your face is really pretty! I also agree with everyone here that I see people of all shapes and sizes with boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wifes, etc ...


However, it seems that your weight is making you very unhappy and insecure. Might it be possible then, for you to try to change that and lose a bit of weight after consulting a nutrionist or physician? Not because you have to be a certain size for people to like you, but because it seems that this issue is making your life miserable, and it is (most likely, barring a few disorders) something that you can change.


I'm saying this totally candidly, because I have no idea what size you are, but if you are medically overweight, then perhaps this would be a good idea. Also, feeling secure and confident about your body will be a huge turn-on.


Or, if you can find yourself beautiful at the weight you're at, then DO. You are beautiful. Moreover, you sound like you have a really interesting job. And you're sensitive and compassionate. That's already a lot of things going for you!

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every single man in the world would pick mischa barton over dawn french....it's obvious.And that means I am not attractive to anyone.


Is not a popularity contest really. In the end is about loving yourself.


I´ve recently started looking slightly skeletal. Do I get more attention? Not really. Why? Because I don´t feel attractive in the first place. So no, men do not think thin women are better. Actually, I´ve been told by several guys that they preffer to have a little bit more of "flesh" to grab, rather than a broomstick like Mischa B.


However you feel inside, shines thru you. I feel unattractive, hence this feeling somehow floats around me and is a major turn off for all guys, and my weight has nothing to do with it. (This is not an example, it is really my situation)


You keep insisting about people telling you "the" definitions of fat, skinny, etc. It doesn´t exist. Is absolutely relative.


And about the magazines, and Jell-O and Beyonce... I´m sorry to be a wee blunt here, but, is that your source of reality? Magazines, TV shows, ads are fantasies, designed to make people wish something they can´t really achieve, not even spending all their money in all that expensive fancy crap.

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It's all relative. What I find to be too big in terms of a partner, is anything over size 8. I usually date women size 0-4, but I like some more meat on occasion like Baby Carrot mentioned.


If I was a bigger guy then of course I'd have no problem with a bigger girl. But at 25 I can sag my jeans (waist 32) without a belt. I don't look like PeeWee Herman, but I'm not exactly a huge guy. I just find it odd to be my size with a much larger woman by my side, like I'm a tic tac and she's a whale.


You're not ugly. Not every single person just dives at me because I have less mass to my body. It boils down to loving yourself. Not happy? Then develop a plan of action be it exercise, diet, hobby, school, etc. Develop your self esteem and find happiness in your life.

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If you are not attracted to overweight women, at least show no signs of disrespect as a human being. They have done nothing inherently wrong to deserve it.


Well said easyguy. I actually prefer speaking with overweight women because they are more down to earth than the skinny ones. I end up dating the skinny ones, but they almost always piss me off because I have noticed 2 things in particular with them:


1 - They are more into themselves than anything else (self explanatory), and

2 - They are pretty catty and conniving, meaning, it's pretty sick some of the putdowns they give about another girl who is not pretty. I remember I was at a party with a "skinny girl" back in college, and she was texting her friends saying how the "people here are so ugly." I could not make up my mind between (A) vomiting, or (B) punching her. Of course I did not do either, but I lost a lot of respect and interest in her for that comment. I did not care how cute she thought I was anymore. Comments like that, although you may think something like that, should not be tossed out in the open. Like you say, they did nothing wrong to deserve such treatment. Sadly, these "ugly people" probably had more self-esteem then that skinny girl did.


I think overweight girls are cooler. By far much better personalities. Race does not matter - I've dated skinny white, asian, and latin. You can't change someone's attitude or personality. Now you're probably thinking why do I still date the skinny ones? Eh, I'm a stupid guy, and think I'll find one that is cool.

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