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My gf dumped me four months ago and it had been NC since. I was pining away for her, and then I began thinking of how bad she hurt me. Why would I want to be with someone who hurt me so much? So, I made a huge mistake and sent her an angry eMail telling her how she had hurt me and I was through chasing her. This is her exact response:


"why dont you just get over yourself. dont you get it? i lied! i only dated you because you had a ******* car. thats life get over it. yeh maybe im shallow but i have fun without cooing over a relatonship that ment nothing to me."


If she had told me in the beginning that she only wanted to have fun, that would have been fine and I would not have expected a real relationship. She's also obviously lying to herself because she went out with me before I even had a car or began talking about getting one. About it meaning nothing to her, that seems unlikely as we went through A LOT of emotional stuff together. She was also my first everything so this hurts especially. I definitely don't want her again, but There's this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know the only way to get fully over her is to date someone else, but that is going to be really hard since I'm not going into college till next year and cash is tight right now. Any suggestions?

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Hey GH! Welcome to ENA!


I think you're on to something by saying she's fooling herself. She's trying to not hurt as well.


But I still think you should forget her. She said very mean things to you for no other reason than to hurt you. She IS trying to ensure that you go away and the quickest way to do that is to be really mean.


So, do yourself the favor of just staying away.


I'm sorry this happened. You didn't deserve that e-mail.


Keep posting dude!

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I had a simmilar situation, only mine drug on for 4 years.. In the end I got simmliar worsd saying tha tI was used and stupid.


I know they did not mean it and it was just there way to detach and keep me from contacting them.


Only Shallow people do this kind of thing, and nobody need to dwell over people like this. The feeling you have is because you feel used, it will go away, Just chalk it up as a mistake and next time around use it as a tool not to get used again. and dont forget, You are better then anyone that writes you an E-mail like that....

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I sent her one last email message telling her it was a mistake to contact her, and asking her to not send any more messages as I would delete them without reading them. I also told her that if she could just use someone like that then I was sorry we even met because I was disgusted by her.(Hurtful, I know, but I've got a lot of hurt and I won't let it build up inside of me.)

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Dont apologize, being disgusted by what she said is pretty normal, and letting her know is justified (IMO). Though I as well have to doubt what she said was true. The best revenge now is to be unaffected, work through the emotional pain the situation is putting you through, and put yourself in the frame that she is an immature person not worth your worries. Keep no contact going. Once your attachment is dissapated (and it takes only time), you will be thankful for keeping what self respect you do and yet being honest about your feelings. Good luck.

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Any type of contact with her isn't gonna lead to anything positive. Basically will only amount to bickering and prevent you from moving on. Best thing you could do now is emotionally forgive and let it go as one of life's experiencee and do your best to get up on some other girls.


As for the school or money situation, you can hit on girls anywhere with zero dollars outside of campus. For help with this stuff go here

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