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On again off Again relationships....do they ever work out?

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Hey Lady Bugg,


When I think of on-again, off-again relationships I think of Farrah Fawcett & Ryan O'Neal. Pamela Anderson & Kidd Rock and Pamela Anderson & Tommy Lee. Now for these types of relationships 'working out'----I guess it depends on the circumstances of why the relationship turned off in the first place and the people's will/desire and commitment to turn it back on. I know that's a vague answer...but it's my best answer for now in regards to on-again and off-again relationships

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From personal experience, no. That does not mean that they cannot though. In my experiences, personal goals are what changed our relationship. Each time we got back together, it seemed to last shorter and shorter.


Granted, I want her back with all of my heart, but the reality is that the woman I fell in love with changed very much in a 6 month period. I could honestly say I did not recognize who I was with anymore.


I guess it really depends what caused the breakup in the 1st place...

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Hmm tough question, i cant speak for everyone and i cant give you any stats, but from experience i would say no, in the long term they dont work out. I've had 3 on/off relationships.


Now im older,i think if you're "meant to be" you wouldn't split up in the first place, and if i found myself in another on/off relationship i wouldn't go back, only forwards. i'd be like oh well he's not for me, and onto the next one!

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hey there..



The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". If things are NEVER resolved by BOTH parties...you will always stay in the same circle.


I have been there ..done that. I changed but my ex didn't. I grew stronger....she did't...etc etc.


Sometimes I asked myself...is it better to be single and happy or in a relationship and miserable?


That was an easy question..





Your Friend,




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I think these relationships can work but it depends on the reasons for the breakups. I know several married couples who were off and on at various points and are now committed to each other. From talking to them I got the impression that they wanted to experience dating others and often it was because one person moved and they were young and didn't want to commit to a long distance relationship or one just wanted to try dating others. In fact, I know a couple who is getting married soon and they were off and on for some time...they attribute that to being young when they met and wanting to try dating others. So it is possible for these relationships to work out and in the ones that I know of it wasn't like the breakups were not hurtful to either one or both people but they dated others, saw what they really wanted and moved past it and forward with each other. I think forgiving each other for the breakups and the pain that they caused is a major part of it. Some people can't do that. I personally have never been able to fully trust again after someone has broken up with me...but some people can do it and that's probably a big part of their off/on relationships working out.

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