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How to maintain ideal weight consistently?

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New year is coming. One of my new year resolution is to get myself back in shape. Since the break up, I neglected my weight and gain some in the healing processing. Before that I was 48kg, now I am 53.7kg.


How do you loss weight? How to maintain your ideal weight consistently?


Any advice would be appreaciated.

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Hi there,

Depending on your height, you may not need to lose weight at all.

Rather than focusing on weight loss, per se, how about reshifting your focus to getting more healthy? I am stating the obvious here but exercise is a great way to release job-related stress, to become more healthy, and of course, to lose weight.


I lead a very sedentary lifestyle (as I spend most of the day at my desk) so I try to schedule in exercise time 3~4 times a week.


Good luck!

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Basically you just have to balance the amount you eat with how much energy you use every day. But gaining a bit of weight is also inevitable around this time of year! I would not just focus on dieting, but adjusting your eating lifestyle (ie. a longterm change you can keep up).

But if you`re feeling sickly from eating too much, a detox diet can clean out your system, give you energy and put you on the right track. You just eat fruit, veges and nuts for 7 days. Eat as much as you like, but no seasonings at all, and no caffeine or alcohol, and last meal must be at 6pm. After the 7 days, just ease back to whatever healthy eating lifestyle you want to maintain.

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I think I would resume my yoga practice that I had abandon for about a year.


I would try your detox diet after all the celebrations because it is torturing when you see all your family member enjoy the big meal.


Could you give me example of changing eating life stlye? I eat oat meal or bread in the morning. Eat noodles or chicken rice during afternoon. And have a heavy dinner at night with soup, rice, vegetable and meat.

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New year is coming. One of my new year resolution is to get myself back in shape. Since the break up, I neglected my weight and gain some in the healing processing. Before that I was 48kg, now I am 53.7kg.


How do you loss weight? How to maintain your ideal weight consistently?


Any advice would be appreaciated.


Hi there,


Losing weight requires a tweaking in what you eat (i.e. cutting back on calories, among other things) while at the same time getting in plenty of exercise on a weekly basis (a few days a week, 40-45 min/day is a great start). Losing it is the easy part. Keeping it off is even harder. To maintain that weight (or lose more), you have to continue to lead the active lifestyle that led you to get there in the first place... while also watching what you eat. It is not so much what you eat but how much.


You have to have patience in the process of all this.


Good luck!

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Could you give me example of changing eating life stlye? I eat oat meal or bread in the morning. Eat noodles or chicken rice during afternoon. And have a heavy dinner at night with soup, rice, vegetable and meat.

I`m no nutritionist, though my sister goes to see one, and if you are concerned about the balance of your diet, maybe it would be a worthwhile visit. Though typically what I eat would be soy milk and an apple in the morning, salad, veges and crackers with tuna for lunch, rice and grilled fish with braised veges for dinner, then seaweed jelly and green tea for dessert. It doesn`t sound like much, but I eat as much veges as I want and I feel comfortably fed. General rules that I try to follow (following various info and advice):

-veges 3 times a day, making up at least half of the meal.

-don`t eat at least 3 hours before sleep (what you eat isn`t used up and is stored in your body while you sleep).

-Avoid too much white bread, potatoes, pasta, rice. They hold lots of energy.

-with exercise, do something that you find genuinely stimulating, otherwise you won`t stick with it.

good luck. Im also bloated from dinner plus leftovers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Basically, you will need to balance healthy eating with exercise.


As you are not overlly heavy... I would recommend 30-45 mins of cardio 5 times a week ie. bike, jogging, speed walking. I would also do some lunges and sqauts with dumbells to tone up a little.


Also, stick to fresh veges and fruit! Lots of fish... go easy on the heavy, red meats and the dairy products.

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