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i had feelings for this girl for some time now and i finally confessed to her in a letter that i am attracted to her has i thought she was also attracted to me. she finally called me to tell me that she got my letter and that she is not interested in me. i tried to play it off by saying don't worry about it but deep down i feel so hurt and really confused. i have lost all confidence in myself and for some reason i feel very ugly. but it's more the hurt facter...she said it so bold like throwing it in my face..i'm so hurt

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Im very sorry that happened but it happens you shouldnt feel so bad though there will b some one else that will love u just a much as u loved or liked the other girl as for how bold she was mayb she isnt a very happy person so dont feel down feel happy you were brave enought to tell her how u felt

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khujo56 I'm sort of in the same situation you are in, But minus the Letter..i told the girl what i thought about her in person, she said she just saw me as a friend...that hurt b/c i knew deep down before she had meet anther guy, that me and her had chemistry, until she found out i was only 22, she is 24 and said "i don't date younger guys" GOD! i hope that line wasn't an excuse...but she told me i was really Sweet, and all that stuff. Now communication isn't the same as is was. she is dating a older guy age 27, and it seems like the nicest guys finish last.


But Cheer up....It took me a while to get over her, and take back what i offered, She broke my heart, crushed my confidence, but NOW I'm 100x's stronger, you just have to take this little tiny itty Bitty rejection as a understanding that not all girls will accept you for who you are. I know it sucks.! I wished at the time i was 24 or older, just so i could land a date with that girl, But now....She is out of my mind, and no longer has that piece of my heart, I took it back...that is what you need to do, it's going to be hard my friend. What helps is to Find some other girls, meet them, introduce yourself to other ppl (girls) i meet 5 nice looking girls in 2 weeks, one of them even flashed me All between the ages of 18-22.


Now i can't begin to think about the past, only look into getting to know these girls even more...Trust me khujo, Before you know it, that girl wont even come into your mind. So voyage out, Build what was torn down, it's part of life...and you can't dwell on the small things. Good Luck, Keep me posted on any new girls you meet...!

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Well im sorry to hear that she did that to you. We sometimes feel that way when we face rejection, that you confidence is shot and your hurt everyone is in that at some point or another. I sometimes just let it go, thats all you can do. Theres other women out there, go and find someone who you like. But dont rush it with them. get to know them first. Rejection is just a obsticle that you can overcome. you just have to let go and move on. Dwelling upon it only makes it worse and then you may never move on. Just keep in mind that it's not the end of it all, you just hit a bump in the road thats all. take care.

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First os all letme say how much I admire you. I admire anyone who is willing to come out and say what they feel. You took a gamble and it didn't pay off, that my friend is unfortunate. Dont't what ever you do - feel ugly. To combat this you shouldmaybe go out and buy some new clothes, get a nice haircut and hit the town. Just try and feel good about yourself. Remember, there is someone out there for everyone.


All the best



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