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My older brother and my ex?


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Okay it's probably the most embarrassing and betraying thing that has ever happened to me, but my older brother has been hiding from me that he has been talk to my ex gf... romantically... he just broke up with his ex which was his first relationship. It lasted almost 4 years and then he decides to move on to the only girl I have had true feelings for. He knows how I feel/felt about her. What should I be feeling and what should I do? It does hurt alot but it feels like it still hasn't all settled for me to process it all...and its so close to christmas. My brother has never done anything like this to hurt me before... I tried talking to him and going to see him to face him about it but he literally ran away. Any advice or input would be great. Thanx and happy holidays!

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well, he sounds quite cowardly... trying to make time with your ex girlfriend, and running off when it comes time to face the music with you!


he may come to his senses or he may not.... but he will come crawling back to you for commiseration if she dumps him...


I'm sorry to hear this, it does feel like a double betrayal... if he refuses to see you, then send him an email and tell him your feelings... unfortunately, they are going to do what they are going to do, but he will certainly eventually regret throwing over his own brother to chase your ex-girlfriend... karma does have a way of biting back... perhaps she will dump him and run off with his best friend....

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