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My boyfriend and I of 3 years broke up two months ago cuz we were fighting a lot, and cuz a girl (that he was friends with) called him up that just broke up with her boyfriend and wanted to date him. So they've been dating since the day we broke up. I've been keeping in touch with him talking maybe once a week or once every two weeks, and he cheated on her with me in the first month. Will NC work in this situation to get him back, or should I remain "friends" with him. I know the cheating was wrong, and after it happened he said that he couldn't see me for a few weeks cuz the temptation is too great when I'm around. Do you think by using NC I have a shot?

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I don't even know if it's really that I want him back or more of I want him to want me back. I mean they've benn friends but does it sound like just a rebound for both of them, and will NC be the best way for him to want me back, or should I continue with the "friends" way, and keep in contact with him?

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if I WERE YOU..i'd go no contact. i'm in a similiar situation as you are, and being friends isn't an option. keeping in contact with him is going to hurt you even more. so best advise stick to NC and heal.i used to think that too about how it might not even be a rebound. who knows?


you know what they say, what goes around, comes around. KARMA...

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No contact is not meant to get them back!


No contact allows you the time and space to heal, and detach from the situation. Once you have done that, you will see your relationship for what it was, a pack of lies and cheating. Once you have truly let go and analyzed this relationship, you won't want it back.

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I don't even know if it's really that I want him back or more of I want him to want me back. I mean they've benn friends but does it sound like just a rebound for both of them, and will NC be the best way for him to want me back, or should I continue with the "friends" way, and keep in contact with him?


You aren't going to be able to "make him" want you back or want anything he doesn't decide he wants on his own. We are all our own person with free will, and he will make his choices irrelevant of any tactics that you try.


But I know myself I would want nothing to do with a guy who could replace me so easily after 3 years- someone who does that does not love me, and does not deserve me.


What about you? Where do you draw the line with your self-respect?

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