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Girl at work I want to date.

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There's a girl at work that I would like to get to know. She's short, sweet, cute and blonde. As a stockboy, however, it's hard to get close to her and talk to her as she is a cosmetician. How can I tactfully get to know her better.


Right now we talk in passing but we haven't really spoken at great length about anything. How can I get to know her a lot better and how can I do it in a way that doesn't make me look desperate or lecherous?

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They always say "don't date someone you work with".


I agree with that statement, but if you want to get to know someone, talk to them.


Plain and simple, approch her... get a few words in and send her one liners when you can (i.e Doin well today? Makin' people beautiful today?). You obviously must watch out for bad signals she sends your way, so don't push too hard unless you know it's safe. Do it kindly, and slowly and perhaps you'll reach a point where you can ask her to get coffee the next morning before work.

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