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I have not been "with" a woman in a very long time...

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well, if all you're really looking for is a no-strings-attached sex, try link removed... there are plenty of women on there who are just looking for a friends-with-benefits or no-strings-attached situation. I'll admit, though... I was on there for a short time and met my current boyfriend. We've been together for 9 months now.

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Just go to a club and look for a trampy looking girl, lol. Trust me, it's as simple as that. My s.o. is a radio dj and has to go to all kinds of clubs and bars, and there's TONS of easy girls hitting on him and trying to dance on him. Give it a try, but make sure to ask about STD's first.

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....how can I remedy this?





I dont mean to laugh but that was one of the funniest questions I have read in a long time!!!


I usually start nibbiling on the ear and kiss on the girls neck, if they turn around and slap me, then its a no go but if they start smiling YOURE IN!



PS I really dont do that to random girls

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Seeking a hooker is not one of the options. I will not stoop to that level. And I don't want to "trick" anyone. I'm just sick of everyone else my age having fun while my pathetic life passes me by.



That is useless and venturing into mockful territory.



Yes, but how? I have very few connections and it sucks. How can I expand my connections at this age? I wish I was in college again but even then I felt like it was so hard to meet people after that initial period of friend-making - everyone just seemed to keep to themselves after that.


Yeah, the cure is rather obvious for most people but I fear I'm hopeless. Is this my fate?? I'm not terribly ugly I don't think - I guess I'm not *hot* but I do have some social anxiety/interaction issues that are worse sometimes than others....makes just "finding a girl" not exactly the easiest task.



I would love to be able to go out and meet women. I have no place to start though. I have no clue where or how to start. And I don't have a whole lot of friends to go out and do stuff with.



That's cool that you found your b/f on there. But I want to be able to do this in real life, not having to rely on a paid service of any type. If other people my age are able to, why can't I? I'm determined not to feel cheated out of a part of youth that I deserve just as much as anyone else.



Thanks for all the sites, I'll check them out...I guess it's disheartening for me to have to like, study up manuals or something to be able to 'get chix.' and it's not like i want to become a PLAYER...which is the vibe i get from stuff like this including that book 'the game' by neil strauss (haven't read it...)


Lady Luck

Yeah, I go to clubs...and always strike out. So, it's not as simple as that. I try to be confident...but they probably sense whatever fear's still left. If I just disregard my 'inner voice' and charge forward then, well...I don't really think and I do stupid things.



Well, I guess it could be funny in a way but if you are laughing AT me then that's pretty low. Where am I supposed to turn if I need help? It seems like people never want to help with this kind of problem. They're ALWAYS ready to help people who are PAST this stage...

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Thanks for all the sites, I'll check them out...I guess it's disheartening for me to have to like, study up manuals or something to be able to 'get chix.' and it's not like i want to become a PLAYER...which is the vibe i get from stuff like this including that book 'the game' by neil strauss (haven't read it...)

OK, it's good that you're willing to have an open mind about this. Don't feel bad because you have to actively learn how to do this. Only such a small percent of guys (naturals) come into this world pre-programmed with the necessary tools in order to succeed with women. It would be naive to think that we all have the knowledge and it's all a matter of luck. You have much more control that you realize as to who you date and how the relationship goes.


And I don't condone the act of being a player either. The info you get on these sites, it's all up to you on how you want to use it. I mean, if you learn how to attract girls and learn how to have a successful relationship with one woman, what would be so playerish about this? Sounds like a good guy succeeding.


Also read The Game too, you would see that Strauss actually discourages playing girls too (in the end). But his techniques are to be learned from.


I learned from these sites and many others. I'm in a committed relationship now in which I'm very happy and for once I actually know what I'm doing. I owe it all to my learning experience which has included you fine people on the enot as well.

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