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Falling asleep

As the stars weep

Mourning the night for you

Tossing and turning

Hurting but learning

so much I want to undo


Alone with my thoughts

heart in a knot

I can't believe what happened to you

Alone with my faults

Alone with my doubts

I wish I could have some clues


Where are you going?

Why aren't you here?

Did God take you away

To set me free?

is it because of I, of me

that your soul's in darkness


Taken away

So early in this life

Away from your son

Death came at fast flight

And the last time I saw you

You stared at me sad

Watching my hands

As I pulled away from your bed

A hospice you slept in

Ready to die

We pretended you weren't

Afraid you'd cry


I went to the dance

With my dress on

Supposed to have stopped by

To show you what it looked like

But I could never show

There was no one to go to

You weren't there anymore

And it took a few years

To finally hit me


My dad was remarried

I look around at my new family

Of his wife's

Wondering where you were

Why your little boy, Tanner, was also away

I looked around at the scene

And became so afraid

But there was no one to tell

No one to help

I started screaming

Inside and out

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My dad's girlfriend, Elaine, died from brain cancer about two years ago. Last year, I thought she was haunting me. It was weird and sad; I had many scary dreams. Now I'm gaining peace though. I always will, however, miss the time period that she was alive, when we existed together in this world. Our relationship was rocky so I felt a lot of guilt after she died and my dad remarried very fast...so it's all been hitting me...slowly, subtly over time. But I'm getting better. She had a son named Tanner, a little boy. I think about him all the time. ^_^

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Last night, I prayed to God to wake me up at five this morning. I know- WEIRD prayer, but I was feeling desperate because I needed help getting up in the morning. I end up late for school and accidently leave things at home way too often. I don't know why- I feel like a responsible person. I just don't like waking up and dealing with the world around me. My homelife is quite messy so it really brings me down. Anyways, this factor of me becoming late for school really was hurting me. So, like I said, I prayed.


This morning I had a nightmare sort of relating to Elaine. I used to be afraid of mirrors, afraid I'd see her, and anything with reflections/shadows...and so on. Anyways, I had a dream about me sleeping in a bed and sitting up straight- seeing a shadow figure standing in the corner of the mirror. I suddenly became like two people- too me's. I leaned close to myself to watch the self that was on my bed tremble in fear. Her/my eye's were pink and couldn't see right. I looked down and told her/me that she accidently dripped perfume in her eyes instead of contact solution. The scream that came out of my/her mouth was like, "Noooo!" and I thought I/me was overreacting...because I didn't think it could actually cause blindness. I then walked to my parent's room to see my mom's boyfriend falling out of the bed. Weird, I thought. Yet, as I moved around, I had this feeling like that shadow figure was following me, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw it standing behind me... in front of the other scared me who was still sitting with a shocked face on the bed.


The point of all this is that this nightmare caused me to wake up exactly at five. I felt too scared to get up but also too scared to comfortably go back to sleep...and the realization hit me of how fast my fears could come back at anytime- I really wasn't healed. I laid there, not wanting to deal with anything, my thoughts dwelling on the dream and how the figure could be around me if I looked... still controlling my fear, my vulnerable self. Then this voice softly said in my head, "Don't think. Don't think. Just get up."


So I did. ^_^

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Another beautiful poem. It's strange and powerful at the same time. The worst feeling after someone died is regret. But no matter how hard it can be, remember that time heals everything. You can heal =)


I have. I felt a lot of grief and guilt about her. I'm not as afraid anymore. My panic attacks are gone. Plus I've been happier since I reunited with the love of my life, DAN DAN! So yeah...

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umm...*looks back* oh yeah..it just sounded like something I would have said so I thought it was me hahahahha. Anyway, I was just talking to someone a few weeks ago about a pet monkey. I might actually get one! You know the kind from Night at the Museum (the film). Those are awesome!

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umm...*looks back* oh yeah..it just sounded like something I would have said so I thought it was me hahahahha. Anyway, I was just talking to someone a few weeks ago about a pet monkey. I might actually get one! You know the kind from Night at the Museum (the film). Those are awesome!


I want one that will tickle my nipples. Know what I mean? Like em small. and furry!


(don't mind me- in a weird state of mind right now...sparkles everywhere kinda thing. Like, OH so bright- but how to reach them? actually they're getting in my eye. kinda annoying. I cant see anymore- i am blinded!)


yeah, like i said- weird state of mind right now. Weird...it's all...so...weird...

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