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Being The One That Got Away

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Have you ever heard this phrase?

I am wondering what makes people think of someone as the "one that got away"?


Was the timing wrong?

Was it the way they treated you or made you feel?

Was it the incredible sex? Or the way they listened to you after

a hard day?

How do you know if you're the "one that got away" if they never tell you that?


I guess in some ways I hope I am that person in someones life. If not now

in the future.

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I've said to myself before "eh, they'll realize what they passed up and regret it when they sit and think about me being the one that got away."


People don't always know how fortunate they are until it's too late.


I've let some people pass me by that I look back and think "what was I thinking." At the time, age was a factor, my immaturity and lack of realizing how lucky I actually was to have them close.


I've also had some people contact me continuously here and there through the years stating "I've never been happier than when I was with you."


So the above is to answer your questions.


My motto on it. I believe that we all have a path. Sometimes the path has many forks in the road. Our lives may end up being completely different (different people in our lives / different situations,) but everything happens for a reason. I don't regret anything in my past. I know that there is a plan for me and hope to never allow the thought of "when will they realize" consume my mind. (easier said than done, I know.)

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Why would you focus on being the one who got away?


Why not focus on being "the one"?


If all you worry about is whether someone misses you or regrets leaving you, I'm pretty sure everyone goes through it even if its just a brief moment. I personally believe that if thats what you focus on then thats what you will get. Regrets or missing may bring you together but what will make you stay together?

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I yearned to get back with someone who broke it off with me. I couldn't understand how or why he did it. Well, he did come back after 2.5 years and stated that he had made a mistake. It didn't really matter anymore because I had changed and felt rather unaffected after finding out I was the one that got away. People grow, things change.

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Oh, yes! No contact. But it was because I really couldn't bear to talk to him out of fear I would beg him for another chance and it was my pride that made me sever all ties. It wasn't because anyone told me to cut off contact for my own good.


He was quite taken back by it. I told him over the phone not to call me anymore. It was a pointless conversation because he was trying to make me feel okay about being dumped and it wasn't helping me at all.


I did turn it over in my head...over and over. I couldn't understand the whys or hows of him dumping me! Of course, I conjured all kinds of reasons, emmersed myself in a new hobby/skill, and eventually decided to try dating again... two years later!!!


He showed up out of the blue after I started dating again and said he had made a mistake. Of course, I had met someone already and became attached right away (because this new guy has his own commitment issues) and have been struggling with the whole situation.


After reading these boards, I am convinced NC is the way to go for self healing. It isn't the answer to getting someone back... it is for you.

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Interesting topic.


I have a girl that I view as a potential "one that got away".

What made her so?

Quite simply, she was a great girl - we got on fantastically, she was good looking, thoughtful, caring, we shared common interests and we never fought.

We were together for about 3 months before I ended it.

Even then, she remained totally cool and we kept in touch on and off for a few years.

I view her as possibly "the one that got away" because of the reason I ended it. I was young, shallow and liked a challenge...she didn't provide that 'excitement'.


Years later however, I look back and see that she was everything I could want in a girl - but I was looking for something else at that time (being young and immature).


I suppose ending a relationship for a superficial reason - which will no longer apply as a person matures - is certainly a recipe for creating a massive regret.

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I've been thinking lately about how amazing it is to love so deeply just once in your life, even if things don't work out and your feelings aren't reciprocated in the end. You have fewer regrets when you give it your all in the moment.


I've been called 'the one that got away' three times in my life, but I've never said it to anyone. I don't want my future muddied up by the past.

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if you still feel this way years later, are you planning to act on it? or just hide it within yourself?


I have no strong feelings for her, it's more a logic thing. It's never been a painful realisation that she may have been "the one". It's just disappointment that I didn't give us any chance at all because I was still growing up.

She met a really nice guy a few months after we ended and they have been happily together since - and I truly could not be happier for her.

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