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a weird feeling....

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well it's about my best female friend, she also is my ex...


i don't know... i care for her as a friend.. well that's what i thought...


me her and my best male friend hang out almost everyday, me and him are her best male friends... you understand?


well, she has a crush on this 18 year old, and she's 15... and it doesn't bother me A LOT, but a little bit, since, he's 18...and she's only 15... and tomorrow her and him are meeting up... and since i know that, i've got this strange feeling in my stomach.... and maybe i still love her...


and i don't know what to do, if i'd go and tell her, i'd make an ass out of myself, and if she has a crush on this 18 year old dude, then it would be of no use, and i'd make and ass out of me for nothing...


help! what should i do?

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If I were you, I would stand down. I think it is natural for you to feel this way, and if you approach her now about it.....your timing would suck, and it means less to get emotions out of people based off of jealousy.


If you do love her, wait for a better time when these emotions are not inspiring you.


just my opinion. ;-)



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I can see why your jealous about her going out and you obviously still have feelings for her. There is not much you can do but, wait it out. Maybe you will have an oportunity to tell her later. I'll tell you this much relationships between 15 and 18 year olds never last that long. Usually a few years at most because she will mature over time and he will want to settle down seriously eventually and probably want a girl closer to his age if he becomes more mature. Not always the case but a lot of times it is. Just be a supportive friend and grin it out. Everyone needs a good friend.

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