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Should I get involved?

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My guess is that I probably shouldn't -- and I mean, I try very hard to stay out of everybody's business, but these two "kids" are running me CRAZY! I'm not sure if maybe he's interested in her or she's interested in him or if neither has any mutual interest in the other (although I doubt that). Here's the deal, both of these people started working here within the past year and a half (he started a year and a half ago and she started several months ago) and it's been on and off ever since, but now that I share an office with her, I feel like there is something there and I would hate for two people to completely dance around in a circle and end up without one another (when it's pretty obvious that something MAY be there).


For example, he'll come up (with apparently no reason) and they'll go to talking about various subjects and -- since he's really cute, he can get away with "play punching" and stuff. She'll giggle whenever he'll come up to her and she'll be like, "Don't hurt me" laughing and he'll touch the top of her head with his fist (not punching her but just "touching"). I think there may be something between them because, as I can recall in school (and when I was around their age of 22 - 24), I WOULD NOT HAVE LET ANY GUY I DIDN'T HAVE SOME KIND OF INTEREST IN TOUCH ME. She really seems to enjoy communicating with him (although she rarely says much about him when he's not around). She'll play around with him and say, "I'm giving him a hard time", and he'll essentially do the same thing. She seems to really encourage anything he says by making statements such as, "If that's what you really want, you should go for it", or "You'd be great at that".


The only weird thing is that sometimes he may ask her to lunch and he'll get one of two responses -- "Yes", or "Possibly later". Does she like him or what and should I get involved and try to put them together or just let it work out between them? It's just kind of awkward for me because, back when I was their age, something similar was happening between me and a guy and one day it just all ended and never went anywhere (when I later found out it could have).



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So, because you lost a shot with a guy when you were thier age you now feel obligated or inclined to initiate some form of romance between them?

Are you friends with either of them?

I personally can't stand when others make it thier business to make it thier business. I suppose I can relate, in a sense, as to why you feel this...well, maybe not.

Maybe you can play cupid this time around eh? Who knows???

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Things like play punching are a huge sign of attraction, and obviously, so is asking someone out to lunch. The guy either isnt being direct enough with his intentions or she has doubts about her interest in him. Maybe she has doubts about her interest in him because he isnt being direct enough. Either way, she is a woman, I am sure she has the social intelligence to know what is going on. Too bad the guy is hesitant or doesnt know what he is doing. I would stay out of it though, if things go bad and you take action you could take some blame.

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