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sex in the morning?

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How funny that I would see this post on a day where I got some morning sex! I agree with everybody else - morning sex is a great way to start the day. I had my last two finals today, so it was GREAT to have the day start out so well.


Morning sex might be my favorite sex. It's so warm and...I don't know...almost primal - we don't speak a word, we just know exactly what to do. Granted, there's no open mouth kissing, but it's no big deal. Morning sex is fantastic.

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I also enjoy morning sex, I try not to kiss my girlfriend much though due to the potential breath issue.


It can be anoying aswell though as I found out from ex. She would wake me up at all hours demanding sex when I just wanted to sleep. Would be at 10pm then 4am then 8pm, and each time I would fully satisfy her till she could take no more alot of the time I would not even cum. So well too much or too early morning sex is deffinately not good.


But with my present gf its great, waking up hugging. And tbh I wake up with morning wood, I need to get rid of it somehow.

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