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i've giving up trying to talk to girls

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It's okay to "give up" chasing girls for awhile, it might be just what you need, to take some time to concentrate on yourself, learn a new thing, like play the guitar, take an extra class, make yourself the BEST you, you can be. This will not only take the pressure of pursuing girls off of you, but it will make you extremely attractive to the right girl for you...


In taking the time and self respect to concentrate on yourself, and not about getting a girl, just let that go for now, take care of YOU, get out there and do some things that make YOU feel good about yourself, you will build self confidence, become more well rounded, and before you know it you simply talking to some girl because she's a person, and you she sees you the same way, and it's not about "trying to get her" but instead just getting to know each other... fate has a way of rewarding our self improvement..

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thanks for the positive reply, i've tried to keep a positive outlook on things but i just haven't met a girl thats worth all the energy and time...you try to put forth the effort and in the end it's all for nothing. I understand that not all girls will like me but as of right now in trying to talk to girls, the ends don't justify the means.

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You know how they always say "it happens when you stop looking for it?" Well there is a lot of truth to that.


I am a very insecure guy too. Way too insecure for my looks, since I have been told that I am quite handsome. But I still feel insecure talking to girls. Always have. Well, about a month after meeting my girlfriend, I noticed that women were coming out of the woodwork to talk to me and flirt with me and even ask me out. ME!!!! I couldn't believe it. I was a little bit flattered, and a little bit skeeved by it (because I am VERY monogamous and don't welcome flirtations when I am with someone), but mostly I was puzzled by it. Why were all these women suddenly so interested in me?


Then it hit me: I had stopped looking. I was a secure, happy, confident male who had everything he wanted in life and it showed all over me. They were drawn to it like candy.


Now I am NOT suggesting getting a girlfriend to attract other women. What I am suggesting is, stop looking on the inside. Be happy, confident, and secure on your own, and the women will come to you.


And trust me when I say that when they do, they will be AGGRESSIVE about it.



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I'm with you, and I fully intend to avoid the fair sex until the dark veil of gloom takes me.


Seriously, admit that they tug your heart and you need a break from the mental struggle of seeking love. We all do. Ride a bike, travel, play sports, get drunk and find yourself. it's okay. After half a century, your post strikes a chord in me. I'm alone and women are the finest joy in life, but I'm honking a harmonica in an empty house listening to the rain. I fully intend to bounce back into the notion of love.


You need a break sometimes.

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