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I have NOOOOO energy!!!!!

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Lately - I have absolutely NO energy. I'm finding that in the afternoons all I want to do is have a nap - so I'm totally unproductive at work --- I have a pile of stuff to catch up on. I come home feeling overwhelmed. My house is a mess. I try to take time to clean it everyday but I do a couple little things and then i'm tired and i go back to sleep again. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to increase my energy, or how to get things done even if I'm toooo tired to do it? I'm sleepign A LOT - so its not lack of sleep that I'm suffering from. I usually get about 8 hours of sleep in a night. Some afternoons I nap for 2 hours.

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i'm always tired too. i used to be anemic, and when i stopped eating meat it got worse. i started eating red meat again and the anemia improved, but then i began to get really heavy periods and i'm starting to always be cold again. so i think i might be anemic again, which makes you tired. that could be your problem. if you're always cold, bruise easily, and feel tired, not really sleepy, but jut tired... you could be anemic too.

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I was going to say that many SSRIs (anti-anxiety and anti-depression meds) have side effects of sleepiness.


So, yeah, what you are eating could be affecting you. Balance your diet as well as take a multivitamin. Try to get some more exercise also, that may energize you.

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You might also want to have your thyroid checked. An imbalance there can lead to a lack of energy. I have the same problem and I have hypothyroidism. I asked my doc about it today and she said that some people just need more sleep than others..so maybe 8 hours isn't enough for you.

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thanks guys - this is all really great. I will have to go to my doctor and see if it could be one of those things.


I have to clean my house tonight because i have company coming over tomorrow. There is about 4 hours of work to do. All i can do is sit in front of this damn computer. Any suggestions for getting motivated and getting off my butt to get it done??????????

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Could it be the time of the year? I am very sensitive to the lack of light, and I am always crashing badly in the afternoon when it gets dark already. I get up in the dark, go to work and come home in the dark and crash. My body clock is really screwed up!


I get this every year and am always better when the light comes back. You could try looking up SAD or Seasonal Affectionate Disorder.


They suggest light boxes and I have one, but I don't have time to use it in the mornings when its supposed to do the most good.

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