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Trust & Trusting...

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I was just wondering how can you get someone to believe in you and trust in you that your real and what you say is true? When all they have of you to trust is just you reassuring them by words and emails...

When they have been hurt so much they are just afraid and scared to take a leap of faith that that person won't hurt you.


I have been hurt so many times myself..but I AM open to trusting (unless I am proven wrong) I usually give someone the benifit of the doubt,I always try.I am willing to take that leap..unfortunately the person I care about is not willing or ready at this time (maybe they never will be,who knows)


Then again everyone is diffrent..


Can anyone help me here?



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Sometimes actions speak louder than words. If youve become so jaded, sometimes what you ae saying needs to be proven. Unfortunately, that comes with time most of the time. You have to show them that you are different. Tell them about the times that YOU'VE been hurt as well. That way they will see that you have also been hurt but are willing to take a chance. Whats life without risks, right?!

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And sometimes, even that doesn't work. Lately, I've tallied up some of the more bizarre accusations and statements that guys have made to me over the years. Yes, I think actions speak louder than words -- behaviour is truth -- but sometimes people just believe what they want to believe. Trusting is something of a two-way street; once you've shown yourself to be honest and trustworthy, it's up to them to let down their guard and trust you.

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u can't get them or make them - they have to do that themselves


but what u can do is show understanding and support them in ways that they know is best for them. its a two way street, if one is having trust issues, the other probably is as well


but here's a secret, and its from personal experience - there is simply nothing that could hurt me worse than what i have already gone through so that removes the fear factor and after all isn't that what the real issue is? fear.

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