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That time of the month???

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Do any women on here actually act differently when they have their periods? It really annoys me when people say things like 'oh your angry about something, it must be that time of the month'


I personally dont feel like my personality changes at all whether i'm on my periods or not.


Does anyone feel like their personality does change? Or know someone whos does?

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Mine does. Not always, but usually, yes. I either get very irritable, or just plain ole in a mad bood. Sometimes, I get depressed & start thinking about life & where its going, start missing my parents, ect. Ill start crying with sappy songs, movies, commercials, all sort of weird things.

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Yeah totally. But not during the period. Is during the hellish PMS.


I get depressed and then OK, then like I wanna rip someone's head off, then OK, then empty, the... it goes on and on until I finally get my period.


It really annoys me when people say things like 'oh your angry about something, it must be that time of the month'


Yeah, is kind of annoying and sexist, but it is in fact true. Hormones DO drive you nuts.


Same with after birth depressions and menopause.

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Yup i go throu all the emotions. Anger, sad, happy etc...but denial is the biggest!!


I'm always relieved to get my Period, i'm like "phew that's why i want to hit bla bla last week!" (and yes i do know when to expect but i forget!)


So although i would say to people "i don't get moody or horrid before i come on - i know i do!!!!


Chocolate helps!!


Sparkle xxxx

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Oh dear lord, yes. The good thing is that I'm on a pretty "regular" cycle, so when I start to cry over every little thing, or just get really, really irritable and angry for seemingly no reason, I can step back and say "oh...it's just that time." Which doesn't really help me feel less angry or moody, but it does help to know that there's a physical reason for it.

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I agree. I just gotta have it sometimes...its like sex, better than sex, actually. Once you get your fix, you just feel loads better...

Man, now I want some chocolate..



ME TOO!!!!!!!!!


chigal28 - but i bet if your partner turned round in the middle of a argument and said "oh its that time of the month" it would make you mad??? Silly - how we know but we hate for people to blame it for our emotions - even thou they are usually erractic!

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It really annoys me when people say things like 'oh your angry about something, it must be that time of the month'


I gotta say that annoys me more than most things on the planet (alongside Jimmy Carr and Westlife).


But yeah, I change. Sometimes slightly, sometimes unbearably. Most of the time, unbearably. Boyyyyy do I get an attitude.

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I havent gone through menopause (Im 29) but I remember when my mother was going through it. Man, was she in a bad mood all the time. She got those hot flashes & night sweats as well. She did lose sleep, but I think thats because of the hot flashes & sweats...I feel for you (and for myself in about another 15 years or so).

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I don't mind it too much. When someone says "Oh must be that time of month." But I do try to manage my attitude, reaction, behavior during the week before and during.


So, if I comment on something and get the response "must be that time of month," I usually just say something like "yeah it is, makes sense that I'm now completely unable to tolerate this repetitive issue." Usually, I try to keep quiet about things that bother me on a small level, when I'm on my period those things seem to intensify dramatically.

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Some people do have bad side effects from PMS that affect their moods and just bodies in general.


Others have minimal effects.


I have always been in the latter category though I tend to get more cuddly...hehe...but I certainly do know women whom have much more severe effects. A healthy diet and exercise can really reduce symptoms for many women, and this may be part of the reason my effects are minimal.


But, it ALWAYS irks me when people blame your opinions and moods on PMS, because it really does belittle the fact that you can have opinions and feel strongly about something, and so on. It really devalues your opinion I think when people say things like that.

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ME TOO!!!!!!!!!


chigal28 - but i bet if your partner turned round in the middle of a argument and said "oh its that time of the month" it would make you mad??? Silly - how we know but we hate for people to blame it for our emotions - even thou they are usually erractic!


Definitely, sparkle!!! For some reason, even though I know that some of my strong feelings can be attributed to "that time of the month" at...well, that time of the month, it doesn't change the fact that I DO feel that way, and it feels condescending sometimes when my bf pats me on the shoulder and says "it's PMS, you'll feel better in a few days." Even though 90% of the time he's right, grrrr...

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Man, I get PMS bad. The week before I start is what I like to refer to as my 'emotional week' for obvious reasons. I get SO freaking irritated at the whole universe and I will obsess over any little thing. But then once I start my emotions are back in check.


I even like my boyfriend a lot less than normal during my emotional week. He just really is not my favorite person that week. But atleast, my boyfriend is sypathetic, though, so that's good. But it's the craziest thing, he is always emotional that week as well. I think he's on my cycle with me, for real.


But the first day I think should be a holiday for me and every other woman who feels as bad as I do the day they start. I skip school a lot if my first day lands on a weekday because I am SO ridiculously tired and I hurt SO bad. I get menstrual cramps in my legs (the doc said I'm just wired funny, go figure) and everything else hurts too.

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Yep - I have to be careful about reacting while on my period.


I do get a little edgy, sometimes sensitive, and a bit anxious while on my period. I know of others that do the same.


Totally ME!!!!

especially about reacting while on my period....I try to wait till it's over before I react to things to see if I feel the same about it, because I KNOW I get edgy & sensitive, emotional, depressed....ugh, some months I'm just a mess & shouldn't talk to people. lol

Chocolate makes me happy though

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I feel really insecure, fat and unnatractive at this time, before my periods. I feel really angry and I am afraid I shout and swear.... a lot! My poor family. I always get there first and tell them, "I'm due my period and can't cope with ...."


I am a complete nightmare for about four to 5 days beforehand!

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It lasts different lengths different months for me.


This month I've been out of sorts for like a week and a half, but usually it's like a week. Then some months, I don't even get emotional or anything at all.


I guess there are factors that matter.

Like this month, my period just happened to coincide with the full moon and my finals, so I think that's why i was so crazy this time. And i guess stress and other outside factors probably affect it too.

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