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I just kinda 2day decided i have to accept it that its over and no going back i know that i will see her one more before xmas to xchange xmas presents we have for eachother. Im thinkin of putting somethin in a card for her a cd with one song to say good bye to her with. Its by hammerfall - Alwyas will be.



heres the lyrics its ment as a final good bye and tell her how i feel. my question would that be to much or would it be right to do it. I want to leave her on a good note remembering the times we had and that i will always treasure them never forget the fun i had with her and the way she made me feel. The way she woke me up inside tought me how to love another. and respect myself for doing it.


Hammerfall - Always Will Be Lyrics

Our sun is set, our day is done, I'm left here wondering

Is this the end, my final words to you

Day turned to night and now you're gone, I'm left

here pondering

Can this be true, are we really through


You were the wind beneath my wings, taught me

how to fly

With you I lived among the kings, how could this

ever die


So I say farewell, I'm yours forever,

and I Always Will Be


We were one, we were all, we were the only

Future full of hope, nothing could stand in our way

But dreams can change, visions fall, I feel so lonely

I would walk through fire for just one more day


You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free

Now I'm a stranger in your eyes, walls are

closing in on me


So I say farewell, I'm yours forever

And I Always Will Be

Missing you, in my heart you are The One

And you Always Will Be


When I turn to the east, I see no dawn,

but after darkness comes the light

And when I turn to the west, the silent night hides all

Where is the light that shines so bright


So I say farewell, I'm yours forever

And I Always Will Be

Missing you, in my heart you are The One

And you Always Will Be


Nah-nah-na ... and you Always Will Be

Nah-nah-na ... and you Always Will Be

And you Always Will Be

my Little One you are

And you Always Will Be

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Hey Tommyt,

Sorry you're hurting right now ...

I am on my way out and will check back w/ you later but just a quick thought on the lyrics: my two cents but the lyrics, to me, doesn't seem like a "good-bye" but rather expresses a lot of doubt (and emotional turmoil) about the decision to say goodbye (if that makes sense??) If you really intend to say goodbye to your ex, maybe you should reconsider including these lyrics (although they are great lyrics!) bc IMO, they could be misconstrued ...


Hang in there TommyT!

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it's good that you able to accept what has happened and move on. its the only thing that you can do. and yesssir it hurts. but sometimes you have to hurt and feel pain to get to the other side. its not easy, but only time will heal your pain. i just went through a break up myself, maybe not as harsh as yours but it's still a breakup. it hurts the same. you are not alone!!!! give it time!!

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Hi Tommyt,


How are you holding up? Hope you are feeling better today ...

Tommyt, I hope you don't mind but I read through some of your other threads ... and it looks like this relationship has taken a toll on your emotional well-being for a long while now ...


Tommyt, I wish I had something positive to say about the prospects of your relationship ... My two cents worth: I think you made the right decision: it's probably best for *you* if you let her go (as hard as it may be ... sorry


This is neither here nor there but I speak from personal experience that it's very painful and ultimately impossible to be in a healthy relationship with someone who expresses uncertainty about wanting to be w/ you; as a matter of fact, it is very self-destructive to be w/ someone who is so indecisive.

You really deserve better, wouldn't you agree? You DESERVE to be w/ someone who wants to be w/ you 100%!


Now, are you still working w/ her? If you are, please try to avoid her, if you can, at the workplace and delete/block her from your messenger. It seems like NC would be best for now; some distance and time will help you gain clarity about the relationship (and how it was really not the best situation for you)


The X-mas present exchange sounds very nice, but instead of meeting in person, maybe you can send it to her instead?? I fear that meeting her again at this point might be a step back in your road to recovery...


Tommy, hang in there okay??

Take care and please let us know how we can help...


Best wishes,


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the thing is i kinda think inside that the xchange of gifts would be a good thing call it an exorsism of demons. i am doin the NC as best i can deletin her from my msnger / phone to stop me textin her or whatever is actually somewhat fruitless considering i just remember them neways dialed her number so many times i remember it by heart and the msn name is to easy to remember considering i e-mailed her often enough on it.


I wish to maintain some kind of friendship with her but i know that its a way off b4 i can even think about that i know now i am strong enough to not talk to her any more bar to arainge givin the presents ect. to her. despite how destructive it may have sounded in the past in some of my posts it has been in all honesty the most fun i have had in my life so far. She is a very nice person just at a confused age thats why i dont get angry about it all. I remember when i was 18 how confused i was about everything still am at times guess its the human condition or the me condition neways


I dont physicaly work with her. Never have Ill explain i am a Manager at a local branch of Mcd's she is a member of the Dining area staff for a differant store but under the same franchisee if we had of worked 2gether i would never have let anything blossom from it never been involved with anyone i work with never will. there is always chance of us seein eachother at work functions and the likes but they dont happen very often. When we met i was a crewmember and she ended it via SMS when i was in leeds on a training course for my promo to manager. when we met she made the moves lol. Not me thats part of what confused me about our relationship but its over and i try not to dwell to much on the past so i move on quicker that some i guess or will atleast thats my hope im doing welle nough as good as can be expected


Thing that makes me laugh is i work with a bunch of Strong christians. Stornch in their beleifs constantly sayin their prayers are with me. To an athiest cant help but laugh a little on that 1 . Im doing well and keepin my chin up and now off to work.

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