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women confuse me

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A few weeks ago the girl I was seeing ended it because she didnt see any future betwwen us. We get along great have a lot of fun together and have lots in common. I was honest with her ,I told her I liked her and wanted to pursue a reltionship with her. Then I stopped calling her , I didnt plan on talking to her anymore.


The last time we were together she wanted nothing to do with me. She would move away anytime I got close to her..Now she is sending me emails with kisses in them? I am confused.

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Then what's the problem? Move on my friend, she doesn't care about you as a person. She cares about HER interest, you should care about yours. Why give 100% to someone who won't even commit 10%. You'll find a girl that'll give you 300% hang in there mate, cheers~

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Hey SW,


I am a woman and what your ex did confused me too

Unless she a) gives you a logical explanation for why she acted the way she did when you visited her last time and b) expresses her full committment to making things work w/ you, then I agree w/ Layword: you should cut your losses and move on ...


On a separate note, what do YOU want? Do you want to try again w/ your ex? If so, ask her to explain her past behavior. If NOT, then NC?


My two cents worth.


Take care!

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