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"for your penis only"

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quick question. i know this is a "every girl is different" kind of thing. but when me and my girlfriend are having sex or about to have sex. i sometiems start by fingering her and getting her warmed up with my hand. i usually get the job done fairly quickly and she's loving life before too long. but sometimes when im doing it really well, she reaches down and pulls my hand away and says "thats for your penis only, stop" and then she wont let me put my hand down there anymore the whole rest of the time. same with oral. she's let me give her oral maybe only 3-4 times in 11 months. she always says "that's grose, you dont like doing that" and then says something like "penis only".


i know she enjoys the other 2. when im working her with my fingers, i sometimes get deeper scratch marks on my back than i do when we're actually having sex. and when i go down on her. one time she even put her hands on my head and pulled me into her. so i know she enjoys them. but why does she not let me continue ever?


same is when we're having sex, if i reach down to stimulate her clit in the middle of being inside her, she stops me. but i know if she ever let me she'd be insane.


any suggestions or comments?

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She could be insecure about you going down on her. Ive stopped my girl on occasion if say... I needed a shower. I dont want her down there after Ive been sweating all day at work. Could be other reasons too I dunno.


Also maybe you are being too rough with your fingers, I wouldnt know but id guess a girls clit is rather sensitive.

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Oh well, that's something you'll have to deal with. Would you appreciate it if she did something YOU didn't consider proper?


Respect her wishes, stay away from that area. Assure her you wont be doing anything out of the ordinairy, just enjoy the fact that she's even LETTING you have sex with her.


She's the prize, your the .. well.. who cares your having sex aren't you! Cheers~

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oh yea...not sex wise. she's only had sex with one other guy...but fingering wise, she's been there, PLENTY of times unfortunately. she does tell me im the only one that was worth a damn at it though. she was telling me how her ex. just put in fingeres in and pulled them out and repeated. i actually know what im doing and i get more emotional reaction from fingering her a lot of times than i do if we have sex. not always, but sometimes

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ive tried to her to do that. oh god ive tried. id love to see it, but she's not really into it. she says she's tried it before and she thought it was grose. i guess she doesnt like the feeling of being inside herself. she also said it makes her feel kind of like a lesbian in a way. lol, i dont know how, i dont feel gay when i masturbate, but i guess it's just her opinion

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Hrm, did something bad happen with one of her ex's that gave her this feeling?


I'd tell her you like doing it, and if she ever decides to change her mind you'd be happy to give it to her.


At least she'll know if she ever changes her mind and decides that she does want it again.

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i dont think any of her ex's did anything to make her feel this way. it all kind of started because she said i was so good at it she was going to scream and if that were to happen, we'd be in trouble being in our parents houses and all. so i dont know, sometimes i think it's because of that but other times, when screaming isnt an issue, she still does it.....i really dont know

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Okay... I may be totally off base here, but it could be that you're directly stimulating her clitoris too much. Even if it feels really good, too much starts to be uncomfortable. What you are taking to mean "OMG that's amaaaazing" could kind of be more like "It kind of feels good but aggghhhhhh" and maybe she doesn't want to hurt your feelings by telling you that. Also, when you're fingering her and she tells you that it's for your penis only, maybe she means that she can't take the fingering anymore (not because it's bad, just because she's so riled up) and really wants to have your * * * * in her instead. I know I've been there myself! Same goes for oral.

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