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my natural high

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old poem that i wrote a long while ago



Your my drug

that gets me high

then lets me fall

your my addiction

that I cannot break

you hurt me so badly

like my past addictions

who left me alone to die

I promised myself never again

no more being played like a fool

who will only get hurt in the end

but I find myself madly in love

so I broke my own promise

hoping that it wont happen again

but it still hurts

and I'm so afraid

I wonder if you'll be seduced by others

when im not around

at times you make me smile

at times you make me feel...

like you just dont care

so I build a wall around myself

hoping that you care enough to climb over it

I dont think you've noticed the wall yet

so I'll just sit in the corner and wait

I always wondered what it felt like

to have someone who loved and cared enough

about me to stay faithful and true

but thats okay

I'll just sit here

with my natural high

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Another great one ...

I love what you said about building walls in hopes that "you" care enough to climb over it ...

I've done this too in the past ... only to have him climb back out, leaving me alone inside these walls of pain that I myself cannot seem to climb out of ...


Keep writing!

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