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Feel the cold metal

slice accross your skin

feel your warm blood

and make a design.

Carve into your skin

and watch the blood form

make another little slice

but just a bit deeper

lick the blood from your blade

and taste the stentch

of all your lies

feel any pain?

any shame?


of course not...

your heart is cold

and your soul is black

your eyes are empty

and you do not regret

with a heart so cold

you cannot feel

with a soul so black

you cannot live

so go ahead

and make the design

in your twisted mind.

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thats...not gonna work...hes different. doesnt believe in the christian god-like me- doesnt believe in humanity, thinks most humans are poor pathetic creatures- which some are- and he does what he needs to take care of himself. honestly...if you look into his eyes, like really look, they look dead. theres soem other stuff to explain to but i kno if i told anyone on here i would be labeled as "crazy, lunatic, psycho, stupid, etc" and none of you would believe me so im not even gonna try

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OMG!! I sooooo love this poem. I'm not afraid to say that I've done the very thing your friend has, my scars are my own, and they serve as reminders.


This is now a favorite of mine...thank you for sharing.


JustYourAverageGirl, about the other stuff you say we wouldn't believe, try us....although I'm new here, the people are knowledgable, friendly and most important they don't judge you.

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How much do you love him, and how strong is your sense of self? You should be able to retain a concept of your own identity that can take what he's throwing. You should be able to "extinguish" it in your own mind, then reach back and re-conceptualize the issue for him to consider; like a conversation. Can you do that? Can you "talk" to each other?

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Hmm. Interesting terminology; "master," "beginner." I wonder if people define their ability to speak out loud that way.


Demystify this in your own mind, for starters. This isn't a skill that is acquired through incantations or acts or anything like this; this is something you are born with. Probably everyone can do it; not everyone does. I am not into the things you guys are into, and I've done this all my life.


Give that some thought. Sometimes, you are only as small as you make yourself.

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