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Her friends don't seem to like me


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I have been seeing this girl for a while now. The more time I spend with her, the more she has told me about her friends. I haven't really spent anytime with them due to how us seeing each other thing, is kind of secretive. It is secretive because we don't want my ex that lives in the same building to find out about it, since she has been a pain to me ever since the breakup and I believe she would do some more crazy antics if she found out about it.


The girl I am seeing friend's all seem to have a very low opinion of me, for things I did before we started seeing each other. Apparently I am a huge player, don't understand how I got saddled with that rep, but thats what her friends continue tell her. The girl I have been seeing also told me that her mom doesn't like me too.


I was just wondering if everyone else kind of thought of this as a huge red flag and if there was anything that I can do to change this?

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You don't need her friends approval for her to date you. If she relies on their approval, you don't need her either.


If her friends call you a player, accept the title even if you're not. If this woman sticks around to date you, she will find out by your actions that you're really not. And even if you are a player, it's not such a bad title to have. Women are subconsciously attracted to those who appear to be in high demand. Similar to the Christmas toy that everyone wants, but the supply is limited.

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