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ovulation question


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so along with my question before hand which i realize is basically imposible, and the more i think about it i just realize that i am probably freaking myself out that i do every time because we didnt have sex, i dont even think it was pre cum maybe my penis was just wet, and two im positive i rubbed it off before i went inside her. So my question is for reassurance she had just gotten off her period that day nov 24....


so i hear that and ive read that a woman does usually on a normal cycle not ovulate until usually the 14th day depending on the woman. this is true correct?


And i also i hear this is what a lot of religious people used to or still do who dont believe in condoms do knowing htat most of the time the first week you cannot get pregnant that easy.


So even if sperm does live for 5 days in the vagina, and ovulation happens usually 14 days later, and i know my gf is pretty regular than it is most likely impossible due to even with the 5 days ovulation would not happen near or around there? i mean hypothetically nothing is for sure, but most likely.




Thank you appreciate it so much.



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A woman's monthly cycle is measured from the first day of her menstrual period until the first day of her next period. On average, a woman's cycle normally is between 28-32 days, but some women may have much shorter cycles or much longer ones. Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the day the last menstrual period (LMP) starts or by calculating 12-16 days from the next expected period. Most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 - Day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of the LMP. This is what many refer to as the "fertile time" of a woman's cycle, because sexual intercourse during this time increases the chance of pregnancy. Ovulation can occur at various times during a cycle, and may occur on a different day each month.


I took this quote from link removed


So first of all you need to know the length of her cycle, the standard is 28 days but it can be as long as 32 days... Then you can track her fertile days.


Ps.... next time, use a better contraceptive please??

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well, that theory works unless she was 'spotting' when she thought it was her really her period... sometimes girls bleed a little when they ovulate, so if you mistake spotting for her period it's big trouble...


women's cycles can be off all different lengths, due to stress, illness, medications etc. one can use the 'rhythm' method to try to avoid pregnancy, but it does have a failure rate over time...


the only really safe way to avoid pregnancy is to use some form of birth control protection, all the time, every time...

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Help, I got pregnant by doing it the second day after I finished my period. What does that tell ya? You cant go by what is 'normal' because all women are different.


edit: you say you know she is regular...but your talking period here, not ovulation. You dont know exactly when she ovulates. Having a regular period has nothing to do with when her body releases an egg...

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Getting pregnant 2 days after your period finishes is still quite normal:


Hypothetically speaking: The first day of your cycle is calculated from the first day your period starts. If it lasts for 5-7 days and you have sex 2 days after, that means you are on day 7-9. A person normally ovulate between day 11-21, and sperm lives up to 5 days....


So yes, it is very possible, and still within the "normal" range...


These things can get quite complex, can't it!



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I am close friends with a family that uses the timing method in combination with the tempurature method. The father is a natropath (sp?) so he doesn't believe in BC, condoms, etc. They were only planning on having two kids. They have six girls and she is pregnant again at 43 years old.


This guy went to medical school, and they STILL can't get the timing method down. Don't think that YOU can. No offense, but what is your problem with just using better contraception??? Is it that difficult?

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ya for some reason this never helps me

thank you for your advice but honestly the only solution you ever offer up is use protection. obviously i know that or i wouldnt just be fooling around once again i wasnt having sex, secondly i know how to use protection like i said in the first post i just didnt this time, so thats why i am asking. im not asking how to prevent pregnancy dangit i know how to, im asking your opinion if you think she could be like the chances thats all apparently the only real solution handed up was how to use proper methods, i know how geez. i wanted your opinion, your opinion



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