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Why am i bleeding after having sex?

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I don't understand what is going on here. I slept with this guy last night and all of a sudden i see blood on the condom. Went to the toliets got some tisseu and i was still bleeding. I am not due to come on my period yet. Please help me. Has anyone has this before?


Now the guy is ignoring me too i think beacuse of this. Will this put men off? oh and he isn't my boyfriend.



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Did y'all have rough sex? That could be the cause of it. How much blood are we talking? are you still bleeding? if so, i'd contact your Doctor about this otherwise bleeding is sometimes normal after sex, especially when it's alittle rougher than usual or you haven't had sexual intercourse in awhile.


Oh, and about the ignoring you part .. what a loser, thats all I have to say! If he is going to ignore you over you bleeding i'd definitely lose his number and him. What is he going to do if you get pregnant?(I know you said you used a condom, but it is just an example)

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Yes!! very normal. the belly ache is more then likely from your muscles being worked, LOL. I know when my bf and I have rough sex (doesn't happen very often for this exact reason) but when we do I usually bleed alot and I have freaked a few times (alot of info, LOL) but one time I didn't realize it but I moved and there was a huge Blood stain on my bed of course I freaked and called my doctor, he laughed and said if its heavy bleeding or doesnt stop soon come in and ill see you, otherwise just give your body a rest. SO thats all that is , I wouldnt worry too much just rest before the next marathon.

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Why would her being a virgin scare a guy off? Most guys I know actually get turned on at the thought of that. He's a complete idiot no matter what his train of thought was. I understand getting freakedout but doesnt he think she was just as freaked out!!


I'm not saying its right... most guys I know would run like the wind if they knew the girl they just slept with was a virgin... unless she is a teenager... most of my guy friends say the last thing they want is a virgin.


I know a guy who had a similar experience to the OP... and he RAN because he thought 'oh go... I slept with a virgin'


I'm not saying its right.. but maybe a possibility as to why he is ignoring her..


edited to add... I see her age now... at 25... if a guy THOUGHT he was a virgin... maybe that is why he ran

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Did he insert anything inside of you OTHER than his penis? That could do it.


Were you wet enough? I've never had this problem, but I would assume that not being wet would cause some nasty friction and maybe bleeding? (Not sure on this one.)


Wait, was this the 2nd time you ever had sex (in general, not just with him)?

If so, it could've been your hymen-- maybe he didn't quite tear it up the first time lol


Oh, and if I were you, I'd say something to him about the bleeding. Be open about it, don't make it like you're trying to hide it from him. Don't act like you're worried or afraid, just say something like, "you were so rough with me last night, I think you made me bleed a little." Make him feel like "the man." LOL!

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Thanks Mrs Elliott Smith. When i slept with him the first time it was okay and the following we did it again. I also used my rabbit lol We didn't do much foreplay so yes i was dry a little. I spoke to him on MSN and told him he was rough but i still had a good time lol. Do you think his put off by this?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I have had sex again and i started bleeding again. I don't know what to do? It's the 2nd time in a row this has happened. help me




We are not doctors, we cannot diagnose your problem over the internet.


You need to make an appointment to see a doctor- sooner rather than later.


Let us know how it goes.

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i understand that hope75 just wanted to see if anyone else had the same problem.


Went to the hospital last week all tests were clear and they even took a sample of my urine. I need to go back for my HIV results next week.


Haven't had sex since! very worried when i do

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  • 8 months later...

I had a similar problem with and ex girl friend. She got tested for cervical problems and she was cleared. The bleeding seemed to occur more often when she got excited during sex. We had a much less difficulty with this when we use plenty of lubrication but it would still happen sometimes. I never thought of having longer foreplay being a factor but that was something I think was missing from our sex and it kind makes sense in the fact that if her body has time to prepare for the sex then it could help naturally. I am very curious to see how this works out for you. I hope it works out and good luck!

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  • 3 months later...

Your story (though posted a 1-2 years ago), is EXACTLY like mine.


About me:

I'm 22 years old and am sexually active on a regular basis (about 5 times a week). I've had "rough sex" before, but this time it really did hurt (I'm almost positive something was torn because I felt it). It was then that I started bleeding mid sex....a good deal (covering his condom too of course).


He blamed it on me, saying it was my period starting! I was like....lalwejreljrowijer. No. I think I know when my period is starting, and that was not my period! Men, I swear.


So, I've waited about a week or so to have sex again. Well, last night I told him to go easy just in case....so it wasn't *as* rough as last time (and yes, there was plenty of foreplay beforehand....I was lubricated). I ended up bleeding AGAIN. Not as much blood as before, but still bleeding.


How long does this take to heal? Does anyone know? One month? I don't want to keep myself from heeling and just re-tearing the wound. Anyone know?

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  • 2 months later...

So I have been reading all the post here about bleeding after sex. I have been to doctors. Had test done. Ultra Sound done. And they all give me the same Blank look and no real answer as to what is going on. I am 30 years old. Benn married for 5 years. I have had enough sex to know this isn't normal. Me and my husband don't have rough sex typically. I mean At least no in my opinion. It doesn't hurt, lets put it that way. But for months now I have been bleeding after sex. So WHAT IS UP WITH THAT. I mean, normally I agree that you should get medical opinions, but lets be real here. They obviously don't have all the answers. I am so stressed.

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