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hey ughh i dont really know what to doo

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ok well the thing is me and my gf have been going out wit 9 months now and we havent gont past making out and me touching her boobs a little bit...and i dont care too much or anything but it does somtimes gets frustrating and i dont want to be a jerk and pressure her or anything but yeaa...has any1 here been in the same boat??what did you do??

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Is your Gf the same age as you 14 years old,under 18 or over 18?Your gf probably going to response to your making out question 2 ways.She'll have outercourse/intercourse to keep you or she's going to say no and hope you'll repect her decision.Is outercourse that important to you or is kissing,hugging and cuddling enough for now?

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YOu are both 15 (from other posts?) you have your whole life ahead of you, don't rush it while you two are both innocent! Especially if your gf isn't comfortable and ready to do anything more then the said. Just enjoy the cuddling, and kissing and all the sweet things in a relationship before you worry about the having sex. I had sex at 15 myself and looking back I wish Iw ould have waited alot longer.

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Thats awesome that you say her happiness comes first, and I wish there wer emore teenagers like that, hell I wish there were more guys in general who thought liek that. LOL

I jsut say you guys should talk about it, be upfront with her make it known that you arent pressuring her and you only want to do what makes her happy but at the same time this is how you feel there is a compromise for everything.


And as for my regret.. I regret it because I thought I was ready at the time and now I know I wasn't and I know how bad it bothers me and it has even affected my bf and I's sex life at times the regret just gets so strong and I dont want anyone else going through that. SO just make sure you're ready .=) And good luck when the time comes, if you two truly care for each other it will be awesome!

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there arent. one day one of you will suggest it and then it will be akward and clumsy.


your 1st time is not exciting or hot and sweaty. its a lot of fumbling and messing around learning new things.


do not pressure her. do not hassle her. just find your moment, ask and if she says she isnt ready accept the decision. use what ever words you feel are right. what ever you do dont get drunk and just go "do u want to do it" *cue drooling and passing out"


most of all though always use protection.

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very well said


i laughed my head off at it because my first time wasn't that long ago and it's that same thing XD

well it wasnt his first time..



shes just not ready for that, if you ask her about it make sure she knows that you believe her happyness comes before sex, otherwise she may think you're pressuring her or sometihng

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