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So He tells me IM Wrong????

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My ex Jack is something else...... we broke up about 2 months ago bc he cheated on me with his ex from 9 years ago..... (he never even gave me advanced consideration on this point)


But I'm not without blame, I was leaving the bar today and had to walk by his place, I left some expensive jewellery there, and being slightly buzzed it was at the time important to me... so I stopped in......


I cannot believe how defensive he was, he blamed ME for the breakup saying I didn't care enough, was not understanding... I'm so upset, hurt etc....


How it ended after about 10 minutes was he left me at his place, and went for a beer at the bar.... I left.... I cannnot believe how heartless he is.... trying to put it all on my shoulders...; can't stop crying

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Yeah I know iAMteddy..... but its a very small limited area..... no where to go around here..... I don't understand how he can say what he did, but ya know I'm totally heartbroken,,,, I guess NC is totally broken in this case........ I feel like jumping off my balcony, only i live on the ground floor..... lol



He hates me....

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No didn't get my stuff back, he said he "didn't have time to look for my things" and ya know, forget it..... I feel like I got kicked in the teeth, forget it... forget everything, I'm sooo devestated he can go to hell, but it feels like I'm starting over again, sooo hurt.....

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Well it's your expensive jewelry, if I were you I would get it back from him, whether it's convenient time for him or not. You should be able to get an officer to accompany you there if he does not cooperate. Maybe ask him to mail it to you by a certain date, and if you haven't received it by then you will be seeking a police escort to his house to retrieve your stuff. That should get his attention.

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I feel like jumping off my balcony, only i live on the ground floor..... lol.


Ha ha...that made me laugh! At least you still have your sense of humor.


Yeah, a disturbing thing you will notice if you continue to have contact with your ex is that he will try to put the blame on you for his own lack of integrity. I hate to tell you this, but when people do something crappy to someone else, they often will do or say anything to avoid feeling guilty. It's amazing the lengths some people will go to in order to avoid facing their own mistakes and bad behavior. Even if that involves essentially telling someone else, "You made me do it!"


Ick. Sorry you're getting subjected to this. I know it's hard, but try to go back to NC. It's your best bet to get over him, hon.

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Yeah, a disturbing thing you will notice if you continue to have contact with your ex is that he will try to put the blame on you for his own lack of integrity. I hate to tell you this, but when people do something crappy to someone else, they often will do or say anything to avoid feeling guilty. It's amazing the lengths some people will go to in order to avoid facing their own mistakes and bad behavior. Even if that involves essentially telling someone else, "You made me do it!"


Oh God my ex told me exactly the same after leaving me for another guy she was seeing at least a month before our BU. The thing is - I feel guilty because she said that



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Thanks Scout and Okie for your replys..... its just awful how the dumper can actually make themselves justified for hurting someone else.......


In a way thinking about his attitude helps me, cause I never ever did anything but love him.


Yep NC is the ONLY option. Its not right that I'm actually questioning myself about what could I HAVE DONE WRONG

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