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kissing/where to put your hands poll (girls only)

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I agree, be natural. Don't think about nor strategize this one too much.


Perhaps keep a general thought in your mind...that you are touching and tasting the most beautiful creation ever placed on the earth. With that mindset and your own interperetation of it, genuine intimacy can only result...

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Anywhere (appropriate, mister!) that skin is revealed and especially slide fingers down back, also the neck and as you pull away from kissing, briefly touch her face to look into her eyes and smile at her.


When you kiss, be a powerful kisser. I've learned that the more gentle the kiss and the more light, the less it feels good. So press hard and angle your head to the side a bit (but not like a vampire!) Explore and do what feels right to you. What you like, she will probably also enjoy.

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a radical concept... after you've kissed her a bit (any way that works for you and you're comfortable with), make a game of touching her different ways, different places, different moves, types of kisses etc. and say something like, 'which do you like better, this or this? Or this or this?'... make it a teasing fun game, and if you're lucky, she'll start doing the same thing back, trying different things/places on YOU and asking what you like better! works for both of you, and fun too...


that way you can get an idea of the type of things she likes, and do more of that! but actually, doing different things can be fun, as long as you don't do something that accidentally irritates her, and if you're playing the 'this or this better?' game, you'll get an idea of what she does and doesn't like.


kissing really should be fun, and not too choreographed to one or two moves, or it starts to feel artificial and awkward and chorelike, like washing the dishes or something.

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