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Ok i am kinda new at this so i am just gonna explan whats wrong... Alright I am 9 months pregnant and during my whole pregnany up till i was 8 months my babys father was real involved and all excited and all that. But then i find out he cheated on me for a month and had sex with another girl while he was having sex with me. we don't talk for a while but then he calls me and sees how i am doing and then we talk for 3 hours and he was telling me he was so sorry and he knows that he needs to be with me and he needs to tell her and he said he was going to.. well a couple days pass and he still hasn't told her and is still spending the night at her house. i asked him why he isn't telling her and he said i said i know what i need to do but i don't know when i am going to tell her.. now i don't want to wait around for him to do that cuz it just hurts me.. is that wrong.. but THEN after he told me that he went out to her car and gave her a kiss RIGHT in front of me!!! i really couldn't believe it.. we haven't talked for like 2 weeks and he stopped going to my docters appointments i really don't know what to do i want to be with him and have a family with my son. should i just wait for him or try to move on and if he comes back around then try to work things out.. oh and another thing should i have him in my delivery room?? PLEASE help me out here!!

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Congratulations on your new child.


Firstly, you need to remove the red tinted glasses of love and put on the full color shades of reality.


You as a new mother are about to enter a new realm of responsibility.


The actions that you have presented him doing are a clear indication that he is either very confused or not at all very serious with his feelings for you.


You need to be realistic and leave him alone.


Things you should know.


1. Pregnant women are often the most time a woman can be abused mentally or physically.

2. Men or impeding fathers often share the stress and can see the coming child as a commitment or the end of their single lifestyle.

3. You emotion levels will triple while pregnant. In other words, you need to really slow down and think this through. You know he is hurting your and doing you wrong.


You already know what is best and what you need and must do.


Be responsible and find a man that will be more than glad to love just you with no surprises or betrayals.

Good luck to you.

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