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How Many Times Have You Masturbated In Your Life?


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Ooo I love questions like this, hehe. We used to do questions like this in school all the time. One time I calculated how many light bulbs were in the city. xD lol


Days per year: 365.25

Avg. number of times masturbated per day: 2

(Could be more than 2, or less than two, but 2 is average for me)

Number of years masturbating: 11


(365.25 x 2) x 11 = 8035.5 Times masturbated


Avg. length per session: 10 minutes

8035.5 x 10 = 80355 minutes = 1339.25 hours = 55.8 days masturbating


Lets take it even further:

20-100 million sperm cells per milliliter

2-6 millimeters per ejaculation

Avg. sperm in one ejaculation: 40-600 million


8035.5 x (40+600/2) = 2571360 Million or 2.57136 Trillion sperm cells ejaculated by myself so far.


Really weird huh? Sorry if that bothered anyone, I am a bit of a nerd. xD

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ha, uh zero? I want to try I just haven't gotten around to it I guess. I feel like its easier for guys to start, maybe.


My god, you're missing out


Thousands I guess. I don't remember how old I was when I started, which probably means it was pretty young, and I go through phases of hardly ever bothering and then doing it every night. I don't bother so much now I'm with someone because doing it with him is far more satisfying!

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I didn't mean to offend you. Masturbation is fun for most people, if it's not what you're into then there's no harm


I think I would go insane if I didn't do it myself for long periods of time. Way too much fun to not do it. And I can't imagine what its like to do it with someone else. Each to their own though. Not everyone likes the same things.


You don't really need to keep count to see approximately how many times you have done it. All it really is, is an educated guess.

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Wow! I just can't believe that you guys pleasure yourselves this much lol I mean why? Its just weird & ikky.


Why? Because it feels great! I'm much better at it than anyone else could be. I think it's much, much more weird to NOT do it, given the statistics, but like many others have said, to each their own!

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