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Hi folks,


I met a lovely young Canadian lady last week - after reading many a tip from folks on here I approached her, made her laugh, had a little chat and then got her number. We went out for a drink last night and it went really well.


I know it went really well because she sent me a text afterward that said "Hey Sib, it went really well, he's such a lovely guy. Can't wait to see him again. Speak later. xx"


Now, this text appears to be meant for someone else... my name sure isn't Sib. Do you think this was a genuine mistake or do you think she sent this accidently on purpose?

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I'm doing a lot better in regard to getting over my ex thanks for asking. I do still love her and against my better judgement do still want to be with her but that's out of my hands. The ex still relentlessly contacts me despite me telling her that I can't be her friend only her partner. Very odd.


So yeah, I'm trying out dating and see where it goes.

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I would avoid texting at all - she is basically a stranger and texting is too casual at this stage. If you want to see her again call her up and ask her out on a proper date you plan in advance.


One thing is for sure, I will rib her about this one day if it goes anywhere. As far as the 2nd date goes, I made sure I arranged it at the end of the last date.

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Thanks Dogg,


I 've read a lot of your tips on dating and it made a lot of sense to me and I'm trying to apply it where I can. Although I've never allowed myself to be walked over in a relationship I can see room for improvement in not being too much of a nice guy.


We'll see how this one goes!

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